Keep the monster from getting to it's eye on your side by throwing it to the other players side. Hitting the player directly will stun the player. Rolling can help you catch the ball in mid-air.
The winner is the best of 3 matches.
The game is for 1 players (against an AI) or 2 players. Each player can play either using a keyboard and mouse or either using a game pad (i.e. PS or XBox controller).
The game was created by Ofek Applebaum, Gal Rubin, Eran Kramf and I (with the former 2 as designers and the latter 2 as developers) as our 3nd and final game jam, over a 7 week period in the Gaming Lab course as part of the Bezalel Game Development and Design Minor of my Computer Science B.Sc. in The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Source code can be seen at Assets/Scripts
The game is available at: