This is a vanilla Laravel 7 install
What I will want is for you to complete the following tasks so I can then review the work.
We try to write our stories in Gherkin so I will do that below. It does not mean you need to turn this into a test
Feature: Github API Integration
As a user of the site
I want to add my github token to a form
So I can then see my starred repos
Scenario: User can log in
Given I view the home page
Then I should see a login button
And when I click that then I should be logged in
And redirected back to the home page
# This form will be vuejs
# this form will live in the home page when authenticated
# this form will use axios
# The form will use
Scenario: Form on Home page to add my Github token
Given I am logged in
Then I can add my github token to a form
And click save
Then it will be encrypted in the database in the user table
****Then**** the home page will show that token decrypted
And if the token is null it will say "No Token? Click here to learn how to make token"
And it will link in a new tab to github docs so user knows how to make a token
# This button will be vuejs
# it will be a separate component from above
# The button and list will use
# Using this library to help with the work
# There is a Laravel friendly version of it
Scenario: Press button to get starred repos
Given I am logged in
And I setup my token
Then I will see a button to get starred repos
And if I have not set my token this will be grayed out
And if I click that it will say "Getting your data" while it makes the request
And axios will make a request to a protected api route on our app that then will call github to get the data
And when it gets the starred repos it will show them on the home page
Scenario: Dealing with 500 or bad token
Given I am logged in
And my token is setup
And I click Get data but the token is no longer valid
Then I should see a bootvuejs Toast message letting me know the error
So you can see from above we are dealing with authentication, vuejs axios requests, components and security.
And most importantly PHPUnit test that mock the interactions with the API Classes
I should be able to build this on my machine with
- composer install
- npm install && npm run dev
Make sure to fork it this way I can look over later.
Use Laravels single action controllers (see docs) Make sure controllers are small and business logic is in a sharable class
I do not want to see what big code dump I want you to push often using PRs As you take small steps and write tests push (more on this in a moment)
With this you have to get your .travis.yml file to run the PHPunit tests etc This build is already working in travis so it should be pretty easy and this .travis file should get you going
Update your readme Travis badge to match your build
This feature will require some testing, those tests should only use the Refreshdatabase as needed.
Test should not hit the api use Facade mocking for that