This package is to aid development of Android applications via Bazel. Without it, the setup instructions for building Android with Bazel involve manually downloading and installing the Android SDK. My understanding is that this is because you cannot download the SDK without accepting the licenses, which may not be okay to automate. Why not automate everything but the license agreement?
This project aims to serve as a drop-in replacement for native android repository rules.
file, replace the following block
name = "androidsdk",
path = "../path/to/sdk",
api_level = 27,
build_tools_version = "27.0.3",
with this instead
name = "android_sdk_downloader",
remote = "",
commit = "<HEAD-COMMIT>",
load("@android_sdk_downloader//:rules.bzl", "android_sdk_repository")
name = "androidsdk",
workspace_name = "<YOUR-WORKSPACE-NAME>",
api_level = 27,
build_tools_version = "27.0.3",
Then run
bazel run @androidsdk//install
This will attempt to download the SDK for the versions specified. If you change these values, clean the workspace, or check it out fresh, you will need to re-run this command to download and install the SDK again.
You should now be able to run your build as normal.
bazel build ...
In a Contuous Integration (CI) environment, you need a way of programmatically accepting the
licenses. The easiest way on unix-like systems is to pipe yes
into the install command as part of
your install or build step.
yes | bazel run @androidsdk//install
no such package '@android_sdk_repository_androidsdk//': /home/ubuntu/workspace/my_project/bazel-bin/external/androidsdk/install/sdk.runfiles/my_project/_ (No such file or directory) and referenced by '//external:android/sdk'
ERROR: missing input file '@android_sdk_repository_androidsdk//:build-tools/26.0.1/lib/apksigner.jar'
ERROR: /home/ubuntu/workspace/my_project/BUILD:1:1: //:test_binary: missing input file '@android_sdk_repository_androidsdk//:build-tools/26.0.1/lib/apksigner.jar'
ERROR: /home/ubuntu/workspace/my_project/rules.bzl:88:5: no such package '@android_sdk_repository_androidsdk//': Android SDK api level 25 was requested but it is not installed in the Android SDK at /home/ubuntu/workspace/my_project/bazel-bin/external/androidsdk/install/sdk.runfiles/my_project/_. The api levels found were [26]. Please choose an available api level or install api level 25 from the Android SDK Manager. and referenced by '//external:android/sdk'
The first error message is for a clean workspace before you have run the install
step. The second
occurs when you updated the build_tools_version
but for got to run install
again. The third
happens when you updated the api_level but forgot run install
again. Basically, try re-running the
installation step before getting too concerned. There is no need to clean between changes.
This will occur when running the install step but you are unable to actually type y
to accept the
licence. This occurs on Bazel versions prior to 0.14.0
. Prior to this, you must pass
as a Bazel flag when running the install command. e.g.
bazel run @androidsdk//install --direct_run
It is not too intrusive for now but would like to find a way to remove this requirement.
Prior to this version, the default behavior of Bazel was to not run
interactively so you needed to
pass this flag in order for it to listen for y
to accept the licenses. This flag no longer needed
when running with Bazel 0.14.0 or later as this is now the default mode.