Releases: eribean/RyStats
Releases · eribean/RyStats
Added Response Utilities
Added several convenience functions for surveys and minimum residual factor analysis
Under RyStats.survey
- reverse_score: Reverse scores Likert-like responses
- cronbach_alpha: Computes Cronbach's alpha for internal reliability
- mcdonald_omega: Computes McDonald's omega for internal reliability
Under RyStats.factoranalysis
- minres_factor_analysis
Pearson's Correlation
Added inferential tests for pearsons correlation
Logistic Regression and Mediation
Functions Added
Logisitic Regression
- logistic_regression
- simple_mediation
Two-Way Anova and Linear Regression
Two Way Anova
- Implemented Two-Way ANOVA that has Type 1 / 2 / 3 analyses
Linear Regression
- Implemented linear regression
Test, ANOVA, and Post-Hoc
Added Inferential functions
- one_sample_ttest
- equal_variance_ttest
- unequal_variance_ttest
- repeated_ttest
- equal_variance_oneway_anova
- unequal_variance_oneway_anova
- repeated_oneway_anova
- tukey_posthoc
- games_howell_posthoc
- bonferonni_posthoc
Plotting Utilities
Added plotting functions including:
- correlation_image: show a heatmap of a correlation matrix
- loading_image: show a heatmap of a loadings matrix
- scree_plot: plot the eigenvalues for dimensionality assessment
- loading_table: create a table to view the loadings
Added Factor Analysis Functions
Added factor analysis functions:
- Principal Components
- Principal Axis
- Minimum Rank
- Maximum Likelihood
- Rotation
Added Dimensionality Assessment
- Parallel Analysis