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Collection of scripts used to identify allosteric communication pathways using pKa calculations


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pKa analysis scripts

Author: Eric Lang
University of Canterbury

Licensed under the GNU General Public License

If you use these scripts, please cite:

"Calculated pKa Variations Expose Dynamic Allosteric Communication Networks" Eric J. M. Lang, Logan C. Heyes, Geoffrey B. Jameson, and Emily J. Parker, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 138 (6), 2036-2045 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b13134

Table of contents:

1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. How to perform the analysis
4. Examples of custom modification of the scripts

1. Introduction

This is a collection of scripts used in the paper "Calculated pKa Variations Expose Dynamic Allosteric Communication Networks" published in JACS (see citation above).

Most of these scripts are custom made for the analysis of the data presented in the paper. However, with minimum modifications, they can be applied to other systems to identify allosteric communication pathways.

In the following I provide a description of how to typically run the analysis.In the header of each scripts, the part that need to or can be modified according to your needs are indicated.

If you have any problems or comments, you can to contact me.

2. Installation

This is a collection of scripts so no installation of scripts are required, they just need to be in your working directory or in your path. However, these scripts rely on a number of programs or libraries that need to be installed.

  • glob
  • numpy
  • Batcher. This software enables to parallelise multiple PROPKA runs.
    Batcher is part of the ADLB library and can be downloaded from the following site: and follow the instructions of the authors to install it. Batcher is advantageously installed on a cluster so it can be used with a large number of cores, meaning that a large number of PROPKA runs can be performed at the same time.

  • VMD (

3. How to perform the analysis

You need to start in your working directory with your trajectory file(s) and create a directory

mkdir pdbfiles

First convert the trajectory into multiple PDB files that do not include hydrogen atoms (one PDB file for each frame). e.g. in vmd starting with a dcd and psf file, modify DCD2PDBs.tcl to add the file name and number of frames and run:

vmd -dispdev text -e DCD2PDBs.tcl 

If the PDB are not "standard" PDB files, convert them into standard ones. e.g. for CHARMM or NAMD generated PDB use included.

python > convert_PDB_files.log

Then prepare the input file for Batcher using the batch script:


This will generate the file batcher_input_command which can then be passed on to Batcher, e.g.:

mpiexec -n X batcher_input_command

where X is an integer corresponding to the number of CPUs. If you are processing a large number of PDB files, Batcher will need to be installed on a local cluster and run via your usual job scheduler.I processed for example 40000 PDB files, from one trajectory, so PROPKA needs to run 40000 times which was made possible by using batcher on 128 CPUs.

This will generate a number of .pka files (PROPKA output), one for each PDB file. These pka files contain a lot of information that needs to be parsed. For this you need to use the script which is run with:


this script need a file structure.pdb which is for example the first frame of the trajectory and will process all the .pka files to generate a number of files. In detail it does the following:

  • Read structure.pdb and retrieve the identifier of each residues (residue name, number and chain), and various pieces of information (number of residues, chains, etc.) to generate a dictionary that will associate a unique number to each unique residue and generate a list of residue: 'residues.dat'

  • Extract the total pKa value and the total contribution of the desolvation effect (in unit of pKa) and save them in two files: pka_all.dat and desolvation_all.dat in which each row corresponds to a different ionizable residue and each column corresponds to a trajectory frame.

  • For one pka file, create 3 matrices of dimension number of residues x number of residues, one for the coulombic interactions, one for the side chain H-bonds, one for the backbone H-bonds.

  • Extract the pKa change induced by a residue via side chain H- bonding as well as the identifier of this interacting residue. this value is saved in the matrix associated with side chain H- bonds and for which the row number corresponds to the unique value of the ionisable residue generated with the dictionary and the column number corresponds to the unique value of the interacting residue generated with the dictionary.

  • Do the same for side-chain H-bonds and coulombic interactions.

  • The generated matrices are not symmetrical but take the form:
    0 X 0
    -X 0 Y
    Z 0 0
    In order to be able to average the value by chain during the analysis, a number of operations need to be done on the matrices in order to have them in the form:
    0 X -Z
    0 0 Y
    0 0 0
    This if for one pKa file. This is repeated for all pKa files and each new set of three matrices is added to the first set of matrices generated and the resulting set of matrices are saved in sidechain_Hbond_mat.dat backbone_Hbond_mat.dat, coulombic_mat.dat.

Once the parsing is done, the resulting files can be analysed with other scripts. For the total pKa value and the desolvation effect, the values are averaged per chain and the standard deviation calculated with the script:


which will generate one file for the averaged pKa value and one for the std dev.

The same is done for the desolvation running:


The files sidechain_Hbond_mat.dat,backbone_Hbond_mat.dat and coulombic_mat.datcan then be used to identify the H-bond and coulombic interactions networks. This is done with script:


The interest being to compare a system in the absence or presence of an allosteric effector, the three set of files is required for both the pKa analysis in the presence and abscence of effector. it also requires the residues.dat file generated during the parsing of the multiple .pka files, the AVERAGE_pKa.dat files calculated with both in the presence and abscence of effector,and an Identifier.dat file which is extracted from one .pka file (the summary section where the residues are listed i.e. the SUMMARY OF THIS PREDICTION section - an example is given 'Example_Identifier.dat'). Finally a number of parameters need to be added: pH, number of frames in the initial trajectories, etc.

This script mainly calculates the difference in average interaction between residues in the presence and abscence of effector and then generate automatically the tcl scripts that will draw the interaction maps in vmd.

You can then run the tcl scripts in VMD.

4. Examples of custom modifications of the scripts

As mentioned previously the scripts need to be modified according to your needs. This requires some work, but in the Example directory you will find how the scripts have been modified for a particular structure (Example_structure.pdb)

An example of a single .pka file is also provided Example.pka

Modification of most of the scripts should not be too much a source of complications, except for and

4.1. Modifying

Please refer to to see the modifications of the original script

First you need to modify the SearchHETATM (line of the original script) string to identify HETATM entries in your PDB file. This is simply used to identify each residue. You should only need to modify the part [CAMN] in:


Here the HETATM entries correspond to the Mn2+ ions and the PHE ligand (which as a CA) so we look for CA or MN in the regular expression string. Here I used CA but it could have been any other unique PHE atoms such as CB, in which case it would have been [CBMN] in the SearchHETATM string. If we had Zn2+ instead of Mn2+ it could have been [CBZN].

The second thing to modify is the function 'dictionnaries'. This function is used to asign a unique ID to each unique residue that can interact with a ionizable residue. You only need to worry about the section on the ligands (line 161 to 166 of the original script).

Here one of our ligand is PHE, so it has both an amine and an acid carboxylic group. Therefore its pKa will be calculated by PROPKA. if you look at Example.pka you can see how the amine and carboxylate functions are defined in PROPKA. Where you usually have the residue number, you find the function: N or C (for amine and carboxylate resp.). This is what you need to identify them, and you can modify the original script to have:

    if chain in Chains_het: 
        if resid == 'N': 
            Id_2_Numb[ID]= (len(Chains) - len(Chains_het))*Resid_count + (Chain_2_Numb[chain] - (len(Chains) - len(Chains_het)))
        if resid == 'C':
            Id_2_Numb[ID]= len(Identifier) + (Chain_2_Numb[chain] - (len(Chains) - len(Chains_het)))

if you cannot easily find a way to calculate the number associated with each ligand ID, using for example:

len(Chains) - len(Chains_het))*Resid_count + (Chain_2_Numb[chain] - (len(Chains) - len(Chains_het)) 

you can always find out the number manually.

Because we have two different charged function on the ligand it is easier to work as if there were two ligands each carrying only one charge. This is shown at the end of Example_residues.dat where PH1 corresponds to the amine function of PHE and PH2 to the carboxylate function of PHE. This part can be reused "as is" for any amino acid ligands

Sometimes your ligands might not be ionizable but interact with the ionizable residues nontheless and thus need to be added to the dictionnary. for example on line 123 of Example.pka there is the following:

ASP 267 A   2.72*  100 %    2.90  611   0.54    0    0.00 XXX   0 X   -0.77 SER 269 A   -1.10 MN   MN I

So the Manganese ion forms coulombic interactions with residue ASP 267, it needs therefore to be added to the dictionnary Id_2_Numb. There are 4 Mn2+ in the structure file, to add them to the dictionnary

Id_2_Numb["MN  MN I"] = Id_2_Numb["MN    1 I"]
Id_2_Numb["MN  MN J"] = Id_2_Numb["MN    1 J"]
Id_2_Numb["MN  MN K"] = Id_2_Numb["MN    1 K"]
Id_2_Numb["MN  MN L"] = Id_2_Numb["MN    1 L"]

where MN 1 I is the id extracted from the PDB by the script

Finally you can modify the filenames in line 178 to 186.

4.2. Modifying the

Please refer to to see the modifications of the original script

First we need to specify the charged ligand in the residuepKa function Here we have PH1 (amine of PHE) and MN which are positively charged and PH2 is negativelly charged so we add them to the lists:

positive_charge = ['PH1   1', 'MN   1' ] 
negative_charge = ['PH2   1'] 

This example script includes a function, transMat, that makes possible to average the interactions per chain, which requires a lot of operations that are specific to the organisation of protein and its ligands in space. some explanations are given in the script. But this part can be avoided is you are not interrested in averaging per chain or if you have a monomeric protein. If this funtion is used, it needs to be called in the matPrep function. Note the modifications in this function in the scripts to obtain the averaged interaction maps for both the dimer and the tetramer.

Finally the name of the files can be changed


Collection of scripts used to identify allosteric communication pathways using pKa calculations







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