An api for chatfuel bots that returns the current time as variables for a given timezone
Use the Github CLI to clone this repository.
gh repo clone eric-mathison/chatfuel-time-api
Install dependencies
npm install
Next, you'll need to build it
npm run prepublish
Finally, start the server
npm start
Make a GET
The {timezone} needs to be in IANA Timezone Name format which can be found here:
The request will return parsed date formats that are usable in the chatbot.
In Chatfuel, attributes will automatically be added to your bot.
- ctFullDate - returns a full date (Jan 25, 2020)
- ctMonth - returns month number (1 - 12)
- ctDay - returns day number (1 - 31)
- ctYear - returns full year (2020)
- ctHour - returns hour number in 24hour format (0 - 23)
- ctMinute - returns minute number (00 - 59)
- ctWeekDay - returns week day number (0 - 6)
For ctWeekDay, 0 is for Sunday and 6 is for Saturday.