A Community driven review site of Australian Politicians (what could possibly go wrong).
Visit Here: https://projectpolly.ericsciberras.com/
Choosing who to vote for during an election can be a tedious activity due to lack of reliable information. ProjectPolly aims to simplify this by allowing people to make an informed decision based on a politician's characteristics, promises made and politician views.
Users can rate politicians based on 5 characteristics:
- Trustworthy
- Accountable
- Empathetic
- Knowledgeable
- Respectful
Which is then aggregated and displayed on a radar chart.
Users can add promises a politician has made and vote on whether this promise has been:
- Achieved
- Partially Achieved
- Broken
Users can add any political views a politician has made.
Users can up or down vote other users contributions so that quality content floats to the top (kind of like StackExchange).
Users can sign in with the typical email/password or they can sign in with their Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts.
Built using bootstrap meaning that pages look great on all devices.
- Node.js
- Pugjs
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- Passport.js
- Chart.js
- Bootstrap
- Twitter API (for retrieving politician's profile picture)
Built on hackathon-starter.