This is another example of using the canvas framework KineticJs that I created with my friend Robert Hickman. It is based off the Starcraft 2 arcade game Nexus wars and an extension of my sandman project.
It uses the same pathing algorithm to seek enemy units with some simple AI added in for a computer player. If no enemy is found it will travel to the opposite side of the board. It is still a work in project with my idea to eventually turn it into a full fledged MOBA. About 500 units can be created and search for enemies before the game starts to slow down.
Click on the menu bar below the game to place a building. Your units will automatically seek out enemy units.
Each unit has different stats:
- Warrior has a lot of life but is melee
- Archer is fast and can fire fast
- Mage has a long range and hits hard but has low life
The project's KineticJS JavaScript Library is outdated. Visit to get the updated library.