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The goal of podman-llm is to make AI even more boring.


Install podman-llm by running this one-liner:

curl -fsSL | sudo bash


Running Models

You can run a model using the run command. This will start an interactive session where you can query the model.

$ podman-llm run granite
> Tell me about podman in less than ten words
A fast, secure, and private container engine for modern applications.

Serving Models

To serve a model via HTTP, use the serve command. This will start an HTTP server that listens for incoming requests to interact with the model.

$ podman-llm serve granite
{"tid":"140477699799168","timestamp":1719579518,"level":"INFO","function":"main","line":3793,"msg":"HTTP server listening","n_threads_http":"11","port":"8080","hostname":""}

Model library

Model Parameters Run
granite 3B podman-llm run granite
mistral 7B podman-llm run mistral
merlinite 7B podman-llm run merlinite

Containerfile Example

Here is an example Containerfile:

RUN llama-main --hf-repo ibm-granite/granite-3b-code-instruct-GGUF -m granite-3b-code-instruct.Q4_K_M.gguf
LABEL MODEL=/granite-3b-code-instruct.Q4_K_M.gguf

LABEL MODEL is important so we know where to find the .gguf file.

And we build via:

podman-llm build granite


|                |
| podman-llm run |
|                |
+----------------+    +-----------------------+    +------------------+
|                |    | Pull runtime layer    |    | Pull model layer |
| Auto-detect    +--->| for llama.cpp         +--->| i.e. granite     |
| hardware type  |    | (CPU, Vulkan, AMD,    |    |                  |
|                |    |  Nvidia, Intel,       |    +------------------+
+----------------+    |  Apple Silicon, etc.) |    | Repo options:    |
                      +-----------------------+    +-+-------+------+-+
                                                     |       |      |
                                                     v       v      v
                                             +---------+ +------+ +----------+
                                             | Hugging | | quay | | Ollama   |
                                             | Face    | |      | | Registry |
                                             +-------+-+ +---+--+ +-+--------+
                                                     |       |      |
                                                     v       v      v
                                                   | Start container  |
                                                   | with llama.cpp   |
                                                   | and granite      |
                                                   | model            |