We Eat is a web app where the client can choose any delicious Sukiyaki dishes and then change the quantity as he or she likes! Before checkout, the client has to review his order and enter his phone number to get notified when the order is ready for pick up. When the client checkouts, the restaurant gets notified by sms, and then reply to the client with a time for pick up.
The project is built as a full stack web app using Node, Express, jQuery, AJAX, Twilio API, HTML5, CSS3 and PosgreSQL.
- Install all dependencies using the npm install command.
- Run
knex migrate:latest
in your terminal. - Set up fake data by running
knex seed:run
in terminal. - Sign up for a Twilio account and Get a Twilio phone number.
- Install
npm twilio
andnpm ngrok
to send and receive sms notifications. - Use the Account Sid and Authentication Token provided by Twilio to setup the api with the server.
- Run the server:
npm run local
. - Visit
The restaurant can see the ongoing orders by going to http://localhost:8080/orders.html
and then click the ready button to notify the client.
- Node 5.10.x or above
- NPM 3.8.x or above
- Body-parser 1.15.x or above
- Dotenv 2.0.x or above
- Ejs 2.4.x or above
- Express 4.13.x or above
- Express-session 1.15.x or above
- Faker 4.1.x or above
- Knex 0.11.x or above
- Knex-logger 0.1.x or above
- Morgan 1.7.x or above
- Node-sass 4.9.x or above
- Node-sass-middleware 0.11.x or above
- Pg 6.0.x or above
- Twilio 3.17.x or above