Hi, I’m Eric Lawrence (@ericlaw). Pronouns: he/him
I’ve been working on the web in one way or another for two decades now, including over a decade at Microsoft. I created Fiddler and a variety of other tools that I publish as Bayden Systems. I spent two years helping bring HTTPS everywhere on the web as a member of the Chrome Security team. In 2018, I returned to Microsoft to again work on networking for the Microsoft Edge team, and in 2022 I joined the Microsoft Web Defense team working on SmartScreen and similar protections.
I blog at textslashplain, and previously blogged in other places, including 237 posts on IEInternals and a smaller number on Telerik’s Fiddler blog.
You can also find my answers on StackOverflow and a partial list of my vulnerability reports at HackerOne. You can see my commits in Chromium (here and here).