This app, CAS, is a job framework that is used to parse pricing data from the different cryptocurrency exchanges and aggregate them together so that
can act as an API layer on top of the data. CAS uses Sidekiq, Redis, and
Rails in conjunction with the different data stores and databases on AWS in order to ETL the cryptocurrency pricing data.
I recommend you use RVM...The app is using Ruby 2.5.0, I call my gemset carne-asada
Get it from GitHub
git clone
cd carne-asada-sidekiq/
Setup your RVM Gemset
rvm gemset create carne-asada
rvm use 2.4.3@carne-asada
Setup your ENV variables
cp .env.sample .env
- Set the correct values for the dummy variables...
Install bundler and all the other gems
gem install bundler
bundle install
Create the DB and run migrations
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
Launch the server in one terminal window
bundle exec rails s puma
- You can navigate to localhost:3001 in your browser to see Sidekiq's web-ui
Launch the worker process (sidekiq) in another terminal window
bundle exec sidekiq
Make sure the test environment is configured/up-to-date
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
Run the test(s) using RSpec
bundle exec rspec
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