Editor, eslint, prettier, postcss, git, stylelint config files.
: default.gitattributes
: default.gitignore
: default.stylelintrc.js
: default.prettierrc.js
: default.eslintrc.js
: JavaScript Standard Style
Changes from base structure.
No edit.
No edit.
Sage, laravel, sails.js, yarn, npm related files added.
No edit.
option removed. Latest version with this option causing error.
Below options change to make it work with eslint configuration.
printWidth: 100 singleQuote: true trailingComma: 'es5' bracketSpacing: true parser: 'babel' requirePragma: false proseWrap: 'preserve' arrowParens: 'avoid'
Require semicolons instead of ASI (semi) The professional and modern thing to do is not to omit optional tokens, but to always use them, since explicit > implicit.
semi: ['error', 'always'],
Require trailing commas for arrays and object when multiline. This changed coz makes copy paste or changing places mcuh easier.
"comma-dangle": [
"arrays": "only-multiline",
"objects": "only-multiline",
"imports": "never",
"exports": "never",
"functions": "never"
Disallow a space before function parenthesis except asyncArrow. This changed coz prettier do not have option.
"space-before-function-paren": [
"anonymous": "never",
"named": "never",
"asyncArrow": "always"
env: {
es6: true,
node: true,
globals: {
document: false,
navigator: false,
window: false,
package-lock.json yarn.lock
Post CSS Sorting settings located at .postcss.config.json file. Post CSS will not look for this file. This should be added to ide settings. Simple copy paste will be enough.