Adds various commands to the chat box in the game Foundry.
Download FoundryCommands. -
Extract everything inside the zip into your Foundry folder.
Open the chat box, defaults to Return/Enter, and type your commands in there. All commands are case insensitve.
/monitor or /mon Monitors a tank, modular tank or logistics container's contents once per second. Use while not looking at a valid building to stop.
/monitor interval or /mon interval Monitors a tank, modular tank or logistics container's contents with a custom interval. Use while not looking at a valid building to stop.
/time Displays the current time of day.
/time HH Set the time of day to HH:00
/time HH:MM Set the time of day to HH:MM
/calculate expression or /calc expression or /c expression Calculate the result of a mathematical expression. See Expressive wiki for available functions.
/drag range Change the maximum range for drag building. Use /drag 0 to restore default.
/tp waypoint-name or /teleport waypoint-name Teleport to the named waypoint.
/tpr or /ret or /return Teleport back to position at last teleport.
/give item Spawn single item into your inventory.
/give item amount Spawn multiple items into your inventory.
/count Dump counts for all buildings within loading distance of the player. Saves to
%AppData%\\..\\LocalLow\\Channel 3 Entertainment\\Foundry\\FoundryCommands\\count.txt
/dumpData Dump data for use with Foundry Save Editor. Saves to
%AppData%\\..\\LocalLow\\Channel 3 Entertainment\\Foundry\\FoundryCommands\\idmap.json
/dumpData minify Same as above but leaving out extra whitespaces.
/tweakItems tweak-name identifier=value... Generate a tweak file for use with Tweakificator. Saves to
%AppData%\\..\\LocalLow\\Channel 3 Entertainment\\Foundry\\FoundryCommands\\_tweak-name_.json
Example:/tweakItems Stack2000 stackSize=2000
Probably only works in single player.