Clojure application to provide an API with basic features to manage restaurants and menus.
The application was write in Clojure using Stuart Sierra's Component framework and a vision of Ports and Adapters Architecture (Hexagonal) from Alistair Cockburn.
The objective was separation of concerns and isolate the domain services (pure functions) from the rest of application that treats external dependencies (like memory database and handler http).
You will need Leiningen 2.0.0 or above installed.
After clonning or downloading this repository, execute the following in terminal to install the project dependencies:
lein install
For execute this project in development it's necessary to open REPL because is using the Component to create isolated systems. Open REPL and execute the following commands to run, reset and stop the application.
lein repl
For run dev system:
For refresh files inside REPL:
For stop the application:
The port used for run the application is configured on profiles.clj in section { :dev :env {:http-port 3000}}. If you don't want to change the port for now,the port is configured with 3000 per default.
Obs: Sometimes, when running (reset)
, the namespace of some files are not found, to solve this, run lein clean.
For production releases it's necessary build a uberjar and run passing to args the port that HTTP-KIT embbed will use.
lein uberjar
java -jar target/foodship-restaurant-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar 3000
For complement the production workflow, there is a docker compose configured with a revese proxy using NGINX.
ATTENTION: It's configured for production and the port used to up the application is 80. If you want to change, please, edit the docker-compose.yml with the desire port.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
For MAC OS, the NGINX Proxy Virtual Host needs more configuration to works, when execute this command, the application will can be access through localhost. For other operational systems like linux, there is no problems, I guess.
There are three settings available to run the tests: default, integration and all.
lein test
lein test :integration
lein test :all
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2017 Eron Rodrigues Alves