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Revant Nandgaonkar edited this page Apr 7, 2018 · 11 revisions


What are the criteria for selection?

Can one more app / project other than the ones here be proposed?

We started with focusing on few projects. We will not promise that the project will be added immediately for this summer. You can email us if you are passionate about your proposal. We'll read your emails and keep in touch with you.

All projects are mobile apps only? What about desktop or web apps?

Is it necessary to use only Ionic framework to build the apps?

Is it necessary to attach some basic project built using FrappeJS and Ionic?

Do we need to make a Web View using FrappeJS and Ionic and need to incorporate in Android App as a Web View? (Technical details of Projects)

What goes in "Proposed Solution"?

Even if I'm not preparing for gsoc, and completely new to open source, can I still apply?

As long as you are eager to learn about FOSS and contribute, do apply! We will read all applications seriously.

Are all the projects listed a part of same ionic application or each different application?

All the applications are different ionic applications

Does the app involve multiple vendors as well as multiple customers or a single vendor?

Single vendor. Each app will be used for one company. That’s the idea for now.