rvm - Wide support (use this is you're new to Ruby)
- Mac OS X + Ubuntu instructions:
\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm install 2.0.0-p353
- Ensure that you load RVM as a function on login:
- Add
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
to your profile (~/.bashrc
- Add
rbenv - Less magic than RVM, and more control over your environment
- Mac OS X instructions:
brew install rbenv ruby-build
rbenv install 2.0.0-p353
- Ubuntu instructions:
- Perform a basic git checkout.
- To setup shims, completions, auto-rehash shims, and install the sh dispatcher do either:
- Add
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
to your profile (~/.bashrc
) - Follow rbenv's neckbeard install steps
- Add
- Clone your cucumber/automation repository from SCM.
cd ~/path/to/your/suite
gem install bundler
bundle install
- If installing gems such as nokogiri, you may need to install these dependencies on non-Mac (Ubuntu/Debian) systems:
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev
- Set up your environment (
. ./scripts/env.sh
) - Update to whatever branch you use
- Use prefixes such as your products name so you can easily grep for your environment variables.
env | grep '^YOUR_PREFIX_'
- Run your first test using:
bundle exec cucumber features/ui/login.feature
- Learn Ruby ecosystem in Y minutes
- Learn Ruby in Y minutes
- Capybara - The DSL
- RSpec Expectations - Built in matchers
A Gherkin file is a file that describes a set of expectations about product features in plain text.
The Gherkin file extension is .feature
User stories are, just that, a story that details the use case in the user's perspective. User stories follow the format:
Feature: Trending
As a controlsinsight customer
I want to see trending of security controls and trend grades
In order to see daily, weekly, and monthly improvements
The following table describes which step keywords to use and when to use them.1
Step (keyword) | Purpose | Verb tense |
Given | To ensure that a precondition is met. | Past imperfect |
When | To get into a desired state (to be used to make assertions). | Present |
Then | To make assertions about the current state. | Future |
And | To prevent conjunction steps. | Dependent on which step keyword is being replaced. |
But | To prevent conjunction steps. | Dependent on which step keyword is being replaced. |
Scenario: I click random buttons
Given I have put the system in the known state
And I have also tweaked a random configuration
When I compare the last known state with the current state
Then I should see that the last and current states are different
| user | password |
| janedoe | notpass! |
| jdoe | sEcrEt34 |
# features/ui/login.feature
Feature: Login page
As a controlsinsight user
I want to visit the login page
In order to gain access to information on my security controls
Scenario: Invalid user and password login
Given I have opened the controlsinsight login page
When I try to login as "johndoe" with the password "Secret123"
Then I should see the error:
Sorry. Those credentials did not work. Please try again.
Scenario Outline: Invalid users attempt to login
Given I have opened the controlsinsight login page
When I try to login as "<user>" with the password "<password>"
Then I should see the error:
Sorry. Those credentials did not work. Please try again.
| user | password |
| janedoe | notpass! |
| jdoe | sEcrEt34 |
# features/support/env.rb
require 'rspec'
require 'rspec/expectations'
require 'capybara/cucumber'
# features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb
Given /^I have opened the controlsinsight login page$/ do
visit '/'
When /^I try to login as "([^"]+)" with the password "([^"]+)"$/ do |username, password|
fill_in 'username', :with => username
fill_in 'password', :with => password
click_link 'Log on'
Then /^I should see the error:$/ do |expected_error|
expect(find('div.alert').text).to eq(expected_error)
# features/support/hooks.rb
require_relative './hooks/capybara/'
# lib/helpers/ui_helpers.rb
module UIHelpers
def login(username, password)
visit '/'
expect(find('.login-wrapper').text).to eq('Welcome to ControlsInsight by Rapid7 LOG ON')
fill_in 'username', :with => username
fill_in 'password', :with => password
click_on 'Log on'
# features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb
Given /^I have logged into controlsinsight$/ do
# features/ui/login.feature
@ui @wip
Scenario: Session timeout
Given I have logged into controlsinsight
When I allow my session to timeout
Then I should see the error:
The current session has expired. Please enter your credentials to continue.
# features/support/hooks.rb
After '@ui,@wip' do |scenario|
$stdout.puts "\a\nPaused on '#{scenario.name}'. Press enter/return to continue to the next test."