Welcome to Mountain Bound -- a demo website for the outdoor enthusiast. Mountain Bound showcases a variety of components and is updated regularly to show addtional features.
- geolocation data to find trails near user
- call to google map api for map of trailhead
- make pages reponsive (90% complete)
- photo carousel built in JavaScript, with responsive features
- simple mountain logo built in inkscape
- photos were resized and text added using Gimp
- photos were obtained from unsplash and have a common license
- directory of National Parks seeded to the MS SQL DB and used primarily for location data (lat & lon)
- select a National Park and the Lat and Lon are sent with a call to the Hiking Project API to get a list of trails within the area
- Netsoft.JSON is used to dig into the returned json data
- trails are displayed using flexbox css
- uses the Repository design pattern, code first DB migrations, and a temp in-program repository to store trails from a single search for to used for more details view
- eCommerce store front using bootsstrap cards
- Category filters are built as a view component
- session aware shopping cart with conveinient extention methods for getting and setting JSON objects
- bootstrap cards are used to show the products
- online discuscussion forum where users can post messages under a list of set topics and solicit replies from other users.
FEATURES INCLUDE: partials, view components, view models, conventional routing, extention methods, dependency injection, interfaces, repository design pattern, responsive styling, tag helpers, geolocation, API queries.
TECHNOLOGIES INCLUDE: C#, Asp.Net Core 2, Entity Framework, Identity, MS SQL Server, Html, Html5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, APIs, jQuery