is the library that provides an interface to MTA Real-Time Data Feeds.
Read and Accept agreement
import ""
client, err := mta.NewSubwayClient(
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
"53b2c13dbc574e8cb4bf964dd2a215e253b2c13d", // API Key (this is a fake one)
resp, err := client.GetFeedMessage(mta.Line123456S)
// check err
has type FeedMessage (generated).
MTA uses realtime-GTFS with their own extension for subway feeds. To re-regenerate generatated code run following command with protoc:
cd proto
protoc --go_out=../transit_realtime gtfs-realtime.proto nyct-subway.proto
Read and Accept agreement
import ""
client, err := mta.NewBusTimeClient(
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
"fa05aa30-3c71-4953-91c8-65b46c6e5f78", // API Key (this is a fake one)
resp, err := client.GetStopMonitoring(400933) // 400933 is the stop ID for "AV OF THE AMERICANS/W 34 ST" bus stop
// check err
has type StopMonitoringResponse.
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