Fraction calculator is a simple app to calculate the minimum rupiah fractions needed for a certain amount of money.
Node.js version: 10+
To run this app, you need to build it first.
$ npm run build
then, run the start command.
$ npm start
The application will run at
To run the test cases, you need to install all the node-modules in development mode.
$ npm install
Then, run the test command.
$ npm test
Input #: amount of money
Output #: {fraction: amount of fraction, ...}
Input 1: 100.000
Output 1: {100000: 1}
Input 2: Rp 170.000
Output 2: {20000: 1, 50000: 1, 100000: 1}
Input 3: Rp300001,00
Output 3: {100000: 3, remainder: 1}
Input 4: 7131110
Output 4: {100: 1, 1000: 1, 10000: 1, 20000: 1, 100000: 71, remainder: 10}
Input 5: 7.131110
Output 5: Invalid
Input 6: 71.31.110
Output 6: Invalid
Input 7: Rp 170.000,000
Output 7: Invalid
Input 8: 170.000,000 Rp
Output 8: Invalid
Input 9: 0007131110
Output 9: {100: 1, 1000: 1, 10000: 1, 20000: 1, 100000: 71, remainder: 10}