Lucene is here for a long time, ML was added to Lucene for a few releases now, yet some aspects were left out.
ML can be found under lucene-classification-lucene-version.jar.
At the moment, the ML offers a basic algorithms, for instance, the KNearest and SimpleNaiveBayes. Both do a great job in classify a phrase.
What I was missing, is the ability to classify a given document ("the new event").
The KNearest itself is based on MLT, so it took not much of efforts to modify the algorithms to support classify via a document.
The basic implementation is as simple as:
- Train the model- that of course is mandatory, and can be done in offline.
- Providing an array of fields to consider. Those are the fields of the document.
- Create any restriction on the query. For instance limit the age field to values in the range of 55-66. Please see below.
- Create an instance of the classifier.
- And classify a given document (i.e. the new event we want to classify).
As this runs under Vert.x (, it runs acync.
A code example:
// Create a new JsonArray from a String object.
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(event);
Map<String,JsonObject> values = new HashMap<>();
jo.forEach(entry ->{ String name = entry.getKey(); JsonObject j = (JsonObject)entry.getValue();
// That creates a new Lucene document.
Document doc = Documents.toDocument(values);
// Filter by a range of ages, and drop myself idenfified by a UUID value. // The field to filter by MUST NOT be tokenized. Query range = IntPoint.newRangeQuery("age",55,66); TermQuery user = new TermQuery(new Term("username","7c6ea5db-26bc-43dc-9e6b"));
BooleanQuery.Builder booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); booleanQuery.add(range,BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); booleanQuery.add(user,BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT);
MLTDocumentClassifier classifier = MLTDocumentClassifier.create(vertx,"../resources/index/users/mlt",fields);
JsonArray ja = res.result();
// Do something.