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Test Data (091102_20)

magnific0 edited this page Feb 25, 2014 · 1 revision
Testing problem: <class 'PyGMO.problem._problem.schwefel'>, Dimension: 10
           Testing algorithm: PSO - generations:500 omega:0.65 eta1:2 eta2:2 vcoeff:1 strategy:3
                   Best:   857.945723446                                                        
                   Mean:   1545.06481266                                                        
                   Std:    255.547534749                                                        
           Testing algorithm: DE - generations:500 F:0.8 CR:0.8 strategy:2                      
                   Best:   0.000127359944599                                                    
                   Mean:   2.36889585365                                                        
                   Std:    16.5813667452                                                        
           Testing algorithm: ASA - Iter:10000 Ts:1 Tf:0.1 niterTemp:1 niterRange:20 StartStep:1
                   Best:   0.365070497554                                                       
                   Mean:   342.420450091                                                        
                   Std:    187.418865851                                                        
           Testing algorithm: IHS - generations:500 phmcr:0.85 ppar_min:0.35 ppar_max:0.99 bw_min:1e-05 bw_max:1
                   Best:   114.694202537                                                                        
                   Mean:   452.108955306                                                                        
                   Std:    160.043143202                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: MPSO - generations:500 omega:0.65 eta1:2 eta2:2 vcoeff:1 nswarms:4                
                   Best:   1282.2529795                                                                         
                   Mean:   1794.10985701                                                                        
                   Std:    181.057753518                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: NM - generations:500 alpha:1 gamma:2 rho:0.5 sigma:0.5                            
                   Best:   771.716593651                                                                        
                   Mean:   1868.85102826                                                                        
                   Std:    399.889634533                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: SGA - Generations:500 CR:0.8 M:0.1 insert_best:1                                  
                   Best:   3.04328998821                                                                        
                   Mean:   16.5406378095                                                                        
                   Std:    8.27585504163                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: CS - Starting Range:0.25 FInal Range:0.1 Reduction Coefficient:0.5                
                   Best:   1247.76614876                                                                        
                   Mean:   1999.41611782                                                                        
                   Std:    312.96953745                                                                         
Testing problem: <class 'PyGMO.problem._problem.rastrigin'>, Dimension: 10                                   
           Testing algorithm: PSO - generations:500 omega:0.65 eta1:2 eta2:2 vcoeff:1 strategy:3                
                   Best:   1.07733652522                                                                        
                   Mean:   6.77058187447                                                                        
                   Std:    3.12145163037                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: DE - generations:500 F:0.8 CR:0.8 strategy:2                                      
                   Best:   1.27597457862e-05                                                                    
                   Mean:   0.0757505987206                                                                      
                   Std:    0.245345514571                                                                       
           Testing algorithm: ASA - Iter:10000 Ts:1 Tf:0.1 niterTemp:1 niterRange:20 StartStep:1                
                   Best:   1.49752386694                                                                        
                   Mean:   5.66581420458                                                                        
                   Std:    2.34927015425                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: IHS - generations:500 phmcr:0.85 ppar_min:0.35 ppar_max:0.99 bw_min:1e-05 bw_max:1
                   Best:   8.33362169312                                                                        
                   Mean:   18.9285608367                                                                        
                   Std:    4.43335844919                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: MPSO - generations:500 omega:0.65 eta1:2 eta2:2 vcoeff:1 nswarms:4                
                   Best:   9.33090750038                                                                        
                   Mean:   20.708857256                                                                         
                   Std:    5.07374078865                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: NM - generations:500 alpha:1 gamma:2 rho:0.5 sigma:0.5                            
                   Best:   3.01064582574                                                                        
                   Mean:   15.6094458871                                                                        
                   Std:    9.27058960618                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: SGA - Generations:500 CR:0.8 M:0.1 insert_best:1                                  
                   Best:   0.362381489323                                                                       
                   Mean:   2.51774955561                                                                        
                   Std:    1.23969190166                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: CS - Starting Range:0.25 FInal Range:0.1 Reduction Coefficient:0.5                
                   Best:   17.4334155531                                                                        
                   Mean:   48.2070692774                                                                        
                   Std:    12.2023271687                                                                        
Testing problem: <class 'PyGMO.problem._problem.rosenbrock'>, Dimension: 10                                  
           Testing algorithm: PSO - generations:500 omega:0.65 eta1:2 eta2:2 vcoeff:1 strategy:3                
                   Best:   0.23815665158                                                                        
                   Mean:   8.2548301293                                                                         
                   Std:    14.5504037578                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: DE - generations:500 F:0.8 CR:0.8 strategy:2                                      
                   Best:   0.159971249623                                                                       
                   Mean:   2.54967360642                                                                        
                   Std:    0.672122195743                                                                       
           Testing algorithm: ASA - Iter:10000 Ts:1 Tf:0.1 niterTemp:1 niterRange:20 StartStep:1                
                   Best:   0.186105844567                                                                       
                   Mean:   8.3905596594                                                                         
                   Std:    20.0210698865                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: IHS - generations:500 phmcr:0.85 ppar_min:0.35 ppar_max:0.99 bw_min:1e-05 bw_max:1
                   Best:   208.506107985                                                                        
                   Mean:   1045.96127413                                                                        
                   Std:    534.498735103                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: MPSO - generations:500 omega:0.65 eta1:2 eta2:2 vcoeff:1 nswarms:4                
                   Best:   4.38815883219                                                                        
                   Mean:   16.5912743633                                                                        
                   Std:    14.3739626349                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: NM - generations:500 alpha:1 gamma:2 rho:0.5 sigma:0.5                            
                   Best:   0.588958872765                                                                       
                   Mean:   79.0255613155                                                                        
                   Std:    105.708503269                                                                        
           Testing algorithm: SGA - Generations:500 CR:0.8 M:0.1 insert_best:1
                   Best:   27.5828762999
                   Mean:   127.049217721
                   Std:    70.0359364466
           Testing algorithm: CS - Starting Range:0.25 FInal Range:0.1 Reduction Coefficient:0.5
                   Best:   128.319404854
                   Mean:   545.245012016
                   Std:    457.155877581
Testing problem: <class 'PyGMO.problem._problem.ackley'>, Dimension: 10
           Testing algorithm: PSO - generations:500 omega:0.65 eta1:2 eta2:2 vcoeff:1 strategy:3
                   Best:   2.08590922885e-05
                   Mean:   0.000382456280478
                   Std:    0.000399527364977
           Testing algorithm: DE - generations:500 F:0.8 CR:0.8 strategy:2
                   Best:   6.09158822629e-06
                   Mean:   2.28925195779e-05
                   Std:    1.1971992505e-05
           Testing algorithm: ASA - Iter:10000 Ts:1 Tf:0.1 niterTemp:1 niterRange:20 StartStep:1
                   Best:   0.293380184616
                   Mean:   0.785345997586
                   Std:    0.319795602
           Testing algorithm: IHS - generations:500 phmcr:0.85 ppar_min:0.35 ppar_max:0.99 bw_min:1e-05 bw_max:1
                   Best:   4.43661002968
                   Mean:   7.81449861639
                   Std:    1.1431047172
           Testing algorithm: MPSO - generations:500 omega:0.65 eta1:2 eta2:2 vcoeff:1 nswarms:4
                   Best:   0.00672908181603
                   Mean:   0.0613328925621
                   Std:    0.0667512061084
           Testing algorithm: NM - generations:500 alpha:1 gamma:2 rho:0.5 sigma:0.5
                   Best:   0.30776912245
                   Mean:   7.24056767885
                   Std:    3.08631164631
           Testing algorithm: SGA - Generations:500 CR:0.8 M:0.1 insert_best:1
                   Best:   0.320515259758
                   Mean:   1.43894970653
                   Std:    0.472461598925
           Testing algorithm: CS - Starting Range:0.25 FInal Range:0.1 Reduction Coefficient:0.5
                   Best:   5.14816163199
                   Mean:   7.19829985702
                   Std:    0.727139066179
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