This is a OJS 3.3 plugin that allows reviewers to download evaluation completion certificate per reviewed article.
- Open Journal Systems - OJS 3.3 🌐 Information/Download link
- PHP 7.4 🌐 Information link
- PHP GD extension (php7.4-gd) 🌐 Information link
- Linux server is preferred
If you have server access, you can clone this repo into <ojs_root_dir>/plugins/generic directory following this steps:
- Go to /<ojs_root_dir>/plugins/generic replacing <ojs_root_dir> with your project path
cd /<ojs_root_dir>/plugins/generic
- Clone this repo using ojs33_export_reviewer_certificate_plugin branch from plugin´s github repository
git clone --branch ojs33_export_reviewer_certificate_plugin --single-branch
- That´s all, now you can enable and configure the plugin to each journal
- Download OJS 3.3 plugin version using tar.gz compressed mode 🌐 Download link
- Login into OJS 3.3 and go to journal website settings.
- Open Plugin modules tab and import tar.gz plugin
- That´s all, now you can enable and configure the plugin to each journal
You can found a basic manual slides clicking this link. This manual explains the journal certificate document configuration form, the reviewer personal details form and how to set each optional and required parameters including some special keywords used to assign specific data into exported certificate.
This plugin version has English, Spanish, French and Portuguese languages but you can add new languages cloning any country local code named folder located into plugin directory /<ojs_root_dir>/plugins/generic/exportReviewerCertificate/locale, renaming folder name using Country local code standard and editing locale.po file content without deleting any code line. If you don't know the country local code you want to add you can search this on
First, you should to install some npm packages using this commands into OJS root project directory:
- npm install --save-dev cypress
- npm install --save-dev cypress-file-upload
Then, configure the cypress.config.js file, this is an example:
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress');
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// Agrega aquí el contenido de plugins/index.js
return config;
baseUrl: 'http://localhost/, // You can replace this URL with yours
specPattern: 'plugins/generic/exportReviewerCertificate/cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', // Specs directory
supportFile: 'plugins/generic/exportReviewerCertificate/cypress/support/e2e.js', // Support file
You can update the specPattern and directory properties with your project settings.
Finally, execute this command to run tests in terminal:
- npx cypress run
If you want to run tests using graphic interface, run this command:
- npx cypress open
Follow the steps into main form and run.
- If plugin not working execute this on root project
php tools/upgrade.php upgrade
php lib/pkp/tools/installPluginVersion.php plugins/generic/exportReviewerCertificate/version.xml
- GNU GPL v3