This is a simple X-Windows application using the old XForms library to experiment with various calculator UI features. This may or may not be ever implemented in a real calculator!
To build:
$ cd src
$ make clean
$ make
Also see macOS instructions.
What works:
- Value entry with various word sizes and hex/bin/dec radix
- Conversion between sizes with sign-extension
- Negate with CHS
- Twos compliment arithmetic
- Stack ops similar to HP: Enter, Drop, exchange, clear
Very early screenshot below
- ENTER should duplicate X but set flag to over-type (done)
- Fix decimal entry so digits roll off in a sensible way (done)
- What to do if you enter a value above unsigned max in decimal? (done)
- check arithmetic behavior vs word size
- add some more functions and hot-keys
- add hot-key menu somewhere
- use a bigger font for the display