This project is a case study of AWS services. It is a system of stock quotes from companies listed on the US stock exchange. There are 3 independent microservices. There is a microservice to log the user on, another to register the stock shares, and a cronjob to get quotations on an external service.
Status: Refactoring ms-logon to use Lambda + DynamoDB + Cloud Watch Events
A microfrontend is in development...
- AWS API Gateway - Http + ALB or Rest + NBL
- AWS Application Load Balancer
- AWS Network Load Balancer
- AWS ECS - Clusters EC2
- AWS RDS - MySql
- AWS SNS/SQS - Event Sourcing
- AWS ElastiCache - Redis
- AWS CodePipeline
- AWS CodeBuild
- AWS CodeDeploy - Deploy CloudFormation
- AWS Secret Manager
- AWS X-Ray
- AWS CloudWatch - Metrics and Logs
- AWS Lambda
- AWS DynamoDB
- ASP.NET Core 3.1
- Entity Framework Core 3.1
- .NET Core Native DI
- AutoMapper
- Circuit Breaker and Retry Patterns
- MediatR
- Swagger UI
- Serilog
- Event Sourcing
- Clean Architecture
- SOLID and Clean Code
- Unit of Work
- Repository
- Leandro Bevilaqua -