The Tangle plugin provides the possibility to specify code chunks ala Tangle Programming in a Federated wiki page.
The Tangle plugin will allow to extract the code from Tangle wiki pages.
See About Tangle Plugin for how-to documentation about this plugin.
See About Plugins for general information about plugins.
When tests will be written, most of the plugin machinery can be tested in node.js at build time.
grunt build
to compile coffeescript and run non-ui tests.
grunt watch
to build on updates to plugin or tests.
- parse NAME and LANG as in reduce plugin instead of requiring them in JSON format in first line of chunk
- experiment with using Prism.js, or SyntaxHighlighter
- keep styling in separate
- augment chunk title/name with a list of urls to the different parts, i.e. if current chunk is 3, then 1, 2 and 4 are links 1, 2, 3, 4