A tool for tracking the monitoring and guidance cases related to compulsory education.
The application consists of
- Frontend (React, TypeScript, Nginx)
- API-Gateway (Node.js, TypeScript, Express)
- handles AD SAML authentication and stores the session in a cookie and in redis
- proxies other API requests to the service, passing the valid user session as a signed JWT token
- Service (Spring Boot, Kotlin)
- implements the business logic and persists the data in a Postgresql database
- Docker or similar
- Docker-Compose
- Node.js (recommended setup using NVM)
- yarn
- Java JDK (17+)
To start database and redis
cd compose
docker-compose up -d
To start service in http://localhost:8080
cd service
./gradlew bootRun
To run unit/integration tests (requires DB running through compose)
./gradlew test
To run E2E tests (requires DB, api-gateway and frontend running)
./gradlew e2eTest
To format code
./gradlew ktlintFormat
To start API-gateway in http://localhost:3000
cd api-gateway
yarn dev
To lint and format code
yarn lint --fix
The default config uses dev login with hard coded users, but it is also possible to configure the local development environment to use some real SAML IDP.
To start frontend in http://localhost:9000
cd frontend
yarn dev
To lint and format code
yarn lint --fix
Dependabot runs in Github and creates PRs of new dependency versions.
After merging a PR go to the Github action and approve the deployments after build succeeds. It is recommended to do a quick manual smoke test in staging before deploying to production.
Oppivelvollisuus is published under LGPL-2.1-or-later license. Please refer to LICENSE for further details.
Bulk-licensing is applied to certain directories that will never contain anything but binary-like files (e.g. certificates) with a DEP5 file (see docs).
This repository targets REUSE compliance by utilizing the reuse CLI tool and the REUSE API.
The REUSE API constantly checks this repository's compliance and the status can be seen from the badge at the top of this README.
To manually check that the repository is compliant (e.g. before submitting a pull request), run:
./bin/add-license-headers.sh --lint-only
NOTE: The tool has no concept for "no license" -> all files must indicate their license explicitly (or using bulk licensing). And if files cannot be licensed, they shouldn't be included in this repository at all.
To attempt to automatically add licensing headers to all source files, run: