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SuperGameOfLife Play Now!

This is an example application using Ape-ECS Entity Component System. This is a my take on Conways Game of Life; cells can pick up potions that give them bufs and nerfs.


A Screenshot


git clone
cd SuperGameOfLife
npm install
npm run dev

Or just play now in your browser.


World Parent

  • WorldParent.ts
  • This is a class called WorldParent
  • This class holds the World instance of Ape-ECS
  • This class has an update() which ticks the systems and Ape-ECS in the desired order
  • This file builds global Entites during constructions
    • These Entites have things like the mouse position, ui mode, and board dimensions.

Cell System

  • CellSystem.ts
  • This is the core game logic
  • Every tick a query is run which searches for Entites with the StepSimulation Component on them.
    • In order to step the simulation, create an Entity like this anywhere in the application and on the next tick it sill step.
    • The simulation can also be stepped backwards, this is done by the HistorySystem
  • calculateLife() is the main function, a bit complicated
    • Depending on the PotionEffect Components that are added to cells, original or modified "Game of Life" rules are followed
    • Cells which are spawned from parents that have effects will inherit a portion of the effect. The parents are then diluted.
  • The color of cells is calculated by cellColor()

Board System

Input System

  • InputSystem.ts
  • One of the more complicated files. This controls the mode property on the UIState Component which is on the gentity Entity.
  • The mode controls what the mouse does
    • normal clicking will add or remove a cell
    • mutate clicking will cycle through cell types

History System

  • HistorySystem.ts
  • Keeps a history log of step. This can be undone just like an "undo" feature
  • This shows example code of how you might write a save/load game.

Sprite System

  • SpriteSystem.ts
  • Drives pixi.js do display sprites
  • When tint or other attributes of sprites are changed, this system will update pixi.js in the update() function
  • This is a really basic / bad example of using Ape-ECS/pixi.js


  • Components.ts
  • Components has all the components used in this game.


  • These files are boilerplate
  • Load.ts
  • Manager.ts
  • Scene.ts
  • main.ts

Game Rules

  • Any dead cell which becomes a live cell will inherit effects from it's parents.
  • The full effect of the potion is applied to all neighbor cells at the next step, there is no dilution.

Game Order of Operations

  • Cells which will consume potions are recorded but not consumed.
  • Cell spawn/kill rules apply based on current effects
  • Cells that still exist will consume potions.


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