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Syncing configuration guide

ᴀɴᴛᴏɴ ɴᴏᴠᴏᴊɪʟᴏᴠ edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 3 revisions

Basic cluster architecture

Basically, a RDS cluster must have at least one master node and an infinite number of minion nodes (usually one or two). When the user makes some action (create/destroy/edit…) on the master node using RDS CLI this action is pushed into RDS Sync master. RDS Sync minions periodically pull master for made actions and apply these actions to their state.

You can use your minion as a standby fail-over (no read nor write commands) or use it for reading data. Also, when you use your minion as a standby you could distribute load through a cluster saving data to rdb files only on minion and disable saving data on master.

Basic RDS cluster architecture

RDS cluster architecture with Sentinels

Basic cluster configuration

1. Generate authentication token

Authentication token used for minions authentication on the master node. You can generate a new token using the next command:

sudo rds gen-token

2. Add master configuration

Open file /etc/rds.knf on the master node with your favourite editor and go to the [replication] section. Update the next properties:

  • role to master;
  • master-ip to a machine IP address;
  • auth-token insert previously generated token.

3. Add minion configuration

Open file /etc/rds.knf on the minion node with your favourite editor and go to [replication] section. Update the next properties:

  • role to minion;
  • master-ip to master node IP address;
  • auth-token insert previously generated token.

4. Start RDS Sync daemon on the master node

Start daemon using the next command:

sudo systemctl start rds-sync

Open the daemon log file /opt/rds/log/rds-sync.log and check it for errors or warnings. If it has some, fix it and try to start the daemon again.

5. StartRDS Sync daemon on the minion node

Start daemon using the next command:

sudo systemctl start rds-sync

Open the daemon log file /opt/rds/log/rds-sync.log and check it for errors or warnings. If it has some, fix it and try to start the daemon again.

6. Check the replication status

Check the replication status on master or minion node using the next CLI command:

sudo rds replication

It will show information about master and all connected minion nodes.