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A starter app for high performance React SSR with ESX.

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A starter app for high performance React SSR with ESX.



Philosophy & Goals

  • All decisions are driven by achieving the fastest possible SSR
  • Low configuration overhead
  • Driving towards zero transpilation development environments for both client and server
    • As close as possible
    • Must evolve over time


git clone


npm install


Use two terminals to run the following commands.

Watch files and rebuild ismorphic code:

npm run watch

Watch files and restart server:

npm run dev


npm run build


Build the dist folder, deploy the project.

Start production server with:

npm start

Run tests

npm test

Internal Architecture

Every choice made for the IA of the ESX Server is made in the context of ensuring the highest performing server as a basis for creating an Ismorphic/Universal SSR React application with ESX.


The server is set up with the fastify framework.

The server.js file in project root is configured to auto load fastify configuration from the plugins and routes folders.


Drop new fastify plugin files into the plugin folder and they will be automatically loaded.

The plugin folder contains a development.js file, which configures fastify with convenient defaults which are not recommended for production. See plugins/development.js for more information.

Universal Routing

The routes folder contains three subfolders:

  • server
  • client
  • universal

The client/index.js and universal/index.js files define route structures using the React Router Config data structure. Universal routes are loaded both into react router on the client, and fastify on the server.

The server folder can have additionally files dropped into it with fastify routes. See server/index.js for an example.

See the lib/router folder to find out how universal routing is achieved.


The Server Side Rendered HTML is generated from the html.js file in the project root. This is the outer HTML (head, body, and so forth) in which the react application is nested. See the html.js file for more information.

State Management

The lib/use-api folder contains an isomorphic React hook which is stateful on both the server side and client side – thanks to the ESX opt-in for stateful hooks.

The useApi hook depends on the useIsoState hook (lib/use-iso-state) which exposes state generated server side to be rendered inline in the HTML so that client side hydration can avoid a flash of unstyled content.

Pages & Components

React components live in the pages and components folders. Pages are components should be referenced by the routers, whereas modules in the components folder make up the pages.

It's recommended that pages handle state, ideally using React hooks while components remain pure, taking props and outputting ESX.


The lightest possible CSS SSR solution is one that requires no server side generation per request. This starter uses a customizable build of tachyons.

This ensures high speed SSR, along with very small CSS payloads.

The trade off is the requirement to understand tachyons class name conventions, tachyons tldr is a very helpful reference and way to get started.

In development, the css assets are generated whenever the server restarts. For production, npm run build will generated CSS assets which should be appropriately deployed (e.g. S3 etc.) and referenced in app.

The styles/guide.html is generated every time CSS assets are built. This provides a comprehensive style guide.

The styles/config.js file can be used to configure all color alias and typography and spacing scales.

The styles/extra.css can be used to add additional class rules.

Test Strategy

When creating components we tend to use a visual workflow, because of this constant feedback loop the personal need to write tests becomes lower priority because we're constantly testing with visual checks.

However, we also want to avoid regressions and ensure we have a checkpoint for correct component output. We can capture value of personal visual checks by using snapshot testing.

When a component is considered ready, run npm test making sure nothing is failing. Then write a snapshot test. Here's an example from test/component/Hello/index.test.js:

const { test } = require('tap')
const esx = require('esx')({
  Hello: require('../../../components/Hello')
test('Hello Component Snapshot', async ({ matchSnapshot }) => {
  const name = 'test-name'
  const email = 'test-email'
  const phone = 'test-phone'
  const website = 'test-website'
    esx.ssr `<Hello name=${name} email=${email} phone=${phone} website=${website}/>`,

Once complete, run npm run snapshot. This will add the snapshot for the component to the tap-snapshots folder. Check all code in tap-snapshots into git. If at any time a snapshot test fails, it means that the there may be a regression. We should know from the diff whether the alteration was deliberate or not. If not, we can fix our code. If it was deliberate we can run npm run snapshot again to update the snapshots.

By rendering the component to a string (esx.ssr is an alias for esx.renderToString) and making a snapshot we are capturing all html structure and styling. This allow for high fidelity testing at relatively low cost.

To test the behaviour of components install and use a suitable react testing helper library.

To test server routes, use see Fastify Testing.

Build Process

Styles are generated with tachyons tooling in styles/build.js, all other assets are built using ParcelJs.

This allows for minimal configuraton workflows. See for more information.


Two environment variables can be used to configure the server, using a dotenv configuration file in the project root:

DOMAIN = 'http://localhost:3000' # default host
API = '' # default api

A .env file is not included as it's best practice to avoid checking in .env files.

Deployment Tips

  • Serve dist as a static folder (e.g. with nginx, or deploy to S3 etc.)
  • Ensure the dist folder is included on the deployment machine/container volume (e.g. include in your Dockerfile or terraform scripts etc.)


A starter app for high performance React SSR with ESX.






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