- AXI VIP Master - generated from Vivado -> IP Catalog -> AXI Verification IPsrc/axi_ram
- RAM with AXI Slave interface (from here)src/xilinx_vip
- from$XILINX_DIR/Vivado/2019.2/data/xilinx_vip
- testbench where all the components are instantinated
Simulation in Vivado XSim can be started from sim
folder. Scripts overview:
- to remove all simulations
- to elaborate all sources (Xilinx VIP is used as a library)
- to elaborate all sources (Xilinx VIP sources are used - may be used as an example of how to run in other sim)
- start
- wrapper script; do elaboration and start simulation; optional argumentnolib
can be provided to choose the second elaboration script
- AXI Basics 2 - Simulating AXI interfaces with the AXI Verification IP (AXI VIP)
- PG267 - AXI Verification IP v1.1 Product Guide (v1.1)
- PG277 - AXI4-Stream Verification IP v1.1 Product Guide (v1.1)
- PG291 - Clock Verification IP v1.0 Product Guide (v1.0)
- PG298 - Reset Verification IP v1.0 Product Guide (v1.0)
- PG101 - AXI Protocol Checker v2.0 Product Guide (v2.0)
- AXI VIP, AXI Stream VIP, Clock VIP, Reset VIP sources + API documentation (2019.1)
- AMBA 4 AXI4, AXI4-Lite, and AXI4-Stream Protocol Assertions User Guide
All those PDFs and ZIP can be also found in doc