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Golang (Go) implementation for the Telegram Bot API.

This project provide a wrapper around the Telegram Bot API with golang. You can easy to ues telegram bot api in golang way by use this project. And gotelebot provided polling method let developer easy to get new messages.

Almost all method in Telegram bot api have been implement. While official telegram bot api update, this project will update as soon as possible.


go get


Full godoc document

Echo Bot Example

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Echo Bot example.

	// Create gotelebot instance
	bot := gotelebot.InitTeleBot("TOKEN")
	// Start get new message whit goroutine and 60s timeout.
	go bot.StartPolling(true, 60)
	go processNewMessage(bot)

func processNewMessage(bot *gotelebot.TeleBot) {
	newMsgChan := bot.Messages
	for {
		m := <-newMsgChan // Get new messaage, when new message arrive.
		fmt.Printf("Get Message:%#v \n", m)
		if m.Text != "" { // Check message is text message.
			bot.SendMessage(int(m.Chat.Id), m.Text, nil)

func processNewInlineQuery(bot *gotelebot.TeleBot) {
	newQuery := bot.InlineQuerys
	for {
		q := <-newQuery
		fmt.Printf("Get NewInlineQuery:%#v \n", q)
		if q.Query != "" {	// Only return result when query string not empty.
			result1 := types.NewInlineQueryResultArticl()
			result1.Id = "1"
			result1.Title = "Example"
			result1.MessageText = "Hi" + q.Query
			_, err := bot.AnswerInlineQuery(q.Id, []interface{}{result1}, nil)
			if err != nil {

Telegram Bot API Support


Telegram Bot API Method gotelebot Method Status
getMe GetMe Supported
sendMessage SendMessage Supported
forwardMessage ForwardMessage Supported
sendPhoto SendPhoto Supported
sendAudio SendAudio Supported
sendDocument SendDocument Supported
sendSticker SendSticker Supported
sendVideo SendVideo Supported
sendVoice SendVoice Supported
sendLocation SendLocation Supported
sendChatAction SendChatAction Supported
getUserProfilePhotos GetUserProfilePhotos Supported
getUpdates GetUpdates Supported
getFile GetFile Supported
inline mode inline mode Supported

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