DL2 is a framework that allows training neural networks with logical constraints over numerical values in the network (e.g. inputs, outputs, weights) and to query networks for inputs fulfilling a logical formula. An example query is shown below. For more details read training/README.md and querying/README.md.
This implementation of DL2 can be used as a library compatible with PyTorch and can be used to reproduce the results of the DL2 research paper.
FIND i[100]
WHERE i[:] in [-1, 1],
class(NN1(GEN(i)), 1),
class(NN2(GEN(i)), 2),
This example query, spans 3 networks: a generator GEN
and two classifiers NN1
and NN2
. It looks for a noise input (a 100-dimensional vector where all values are between -1 and 1) to the generator such, that it creates an input that gets classifies to class 1 by NN1
and class 2 by NN2
. Finally the generated input is returned.
├── README.md - this file
├── dl2lib - DL2 Library
├── training - the experiments for training networks
│ ├── README.md - more details on training networks with DL2
│ ├── semisupservised
│ │ ├── main.py - script to run the semi-supervised experiments
│ │ └── run.sh - replicates the experiments from the paper
│ ├── supervised
│ │ ├── main.py - script to run the supervised experiments
│ │ ├── results.py - creates the tables and plots for the paper
│ │ └── run.sh - replicates the experiments from the paper
│ └── unsupervised
│ ├── setup.sh - installs prerequisite libraries
│ ├── run.sh - replicates the experiments from the paper
│ └── train_DL2.py - script to run the unsupervised experiments
├── querying - the experiments for querying networks
│ ├── README.md - more details on querying networks with DL2
│ ├── run.py - runs the querying experiments from the paper
│ ├── run_additional.py - runs the additional querying experiments from the appendix
│ └── train_models.sh - downloads and trains the models required for the queries
└── requirements.txt - pip requirements
Some files omitted.
DL2 was developed and tested with with python 3.6
, but should also work with newer versions.
All requirements can be installed via pip install -r requirements.txt
Afterwards the folder dl2lib can be imported as a python library (for details see examples).
For examples see the files intraining
and querying
, which implement the experiments from the paper.
Each folder contains it's own README.md
with further instructions on how to use the library and on how to reproduce the results.
@inproceedings{fischer2019dl2, title={DL2: Training and Querying Neural Networks with Logic}, author={Marc Fischer, Mislav Balunovic, Dana Drachsler-Cohen, Timon Gehr, Ce Zhang, Martin Vechev}, booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning}, year={2019}}
If you are using the library please also use the above citation to reference this work.