This is plugin is no longer maintained and works well enough for my use case.
Feel free to fork and update as needed.
A Lua rewrite of vim-lastplace
Heavily inspired by
use 'ethanholz/nvim-lastplace'
paq 'ethanholz/nvim-lastplace'
Then add the following to your init.lua:
You may set options using the following:
require'nvim-lastplace'.setup {
lastplace_ignore_buftype = {"quickfix", "nofile", "help"},
lastplace_ignore_filetype = {"gitcommit", "gitrebase", "svn", "hgcommit"},
lastplace_open_folds = true
For those of you still using Vimscript to configure your init.vim:
lua require'nvim-lastplace'.setup{}
You can now set options using:
let g:lastplace_ignore_buftype = "quickfix,nofile,help"
let g:lastplace_ignore_filetype = "gitcommit,gitrebase,svn,hgcommit"
let g:lastplace_open_folds = 1