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Pull requests that update a dependency file
editor:0 invalid
editor:0 invalid
This contribution has major issues.
editor:1 grumble
editor:1 grumble
This contribution has minor issues that should be addressed.
editor:2 on-hold
editor:2 on-hold
This contribution is waiting for another PR.
editor:3 duplicate
editor:3 duplicate
This contribution is a duplicate.
editor:5 needs-review
editor:5 needs-review
This contribution needs a careful review.
editor:6 enhancement
editor:6 enhancement
This contribution is a new feature or request.
editor:7 looks-good
editor:7 looks-good
This contribution is well reviewed and good to be merged.
editor:9 perfect
editor:9 perfect
This is an outstanding contribution.
meta:1 governance
meta:1 governance
Issues comprising of all the processes involved making decisions.
meta:3 process
meta:3 process
Issues surrounding the ECIP process and meta governance.
meta:5 call
meta:5 call
Issues announcing physical or virtual meetings.
meta:7 website
meta:7 website
Issues around the ECIPs website.
meta:9 bot
meta:9 bot
Pull requests that update a dependency file.
status:0 wip
status:0 wip
ECIP is still work in progress and shall not be merged.
status:1 draft
status:1 draft
ECIP is in draft stage an can be assigned ECIP number and merged, but requires community consensus.
status:2 replaced
status:2 replaced
When an ECIP is no longer relevant, its status may be changed to Replaced.
status:3 accepted
status:3 accepted
ECIP has been accepted and is awaiting Final status and activation.
status:4 active
status:4 active
Meta-ECIP or ECBP is active.
status:5 last-call
status:5 last-call
ECIP has been accepted and is waiting for last-call reviews.
status:7 withdrawn
status:7 withdrawn
ECIP has been withdrawn by the author.
status:8 rejected
status:8 rejected
ECIP has been rejected by the community.
status:9 final
status:9 final
ECIP has been activated on testnet and/or mainnet.
type: informational
type: informational
ECIPs of the type "Informational" - no strong consensus required.
type: meta
type: meta
ECIPs of type "Meta" - bundling proposals for upgrades.
type: std-core
type: std-core
ECIPs of the type "Core" - changing the Classic protocol.
type: std-ecbp
type: std-ecbp
ECIPs of the type "ECBP" - describing best practices rather than protocols.
type: std-interface
type: std-interface
ECIPs of the type "Interface - inter-client communications.
type: std-networking
type: std-networking
ECIPs of the type "Networking" - improvements to networking protocol specifications.