This profile will work on stock printer running Klipper - You don't need to mod anything. Just choose right settings.
This is a new adventure in 3D Printing for me, as I moved from Artillery Hornet (quite modded actually) to a bit better Ender3 v3 SE.
Many thanks to everyone, who contributed, and helped me with setting profiles and tweaking stuff.
Some of my PrusaSlicer profile settings are based on Sims' work, which can be found here :
One of the few mods i had done at the very beggining:
- Installing Klipper on my Dell Wyse 3040 terminal, and connecting it to Ender
- Linear rail X-axis
- Linear rail Y-axis
- Ceramic hot-end swap from Creality K1 printer (so i can print TPU and other flex'es)
- Original Bowden inside Sprite extruder changed to Capricorn
- Cooling replacement for a central 40mm fan and 2nd one cooling off prints
- Reverse bowden tube and moving the filament spool out of Z-axis to the side of the printer - no more Z-axis wobble nad ability to print straight from drybox.
I used the hardware mostly available online, like AliExpress or Ebay.
- Creality K1 Hotend (bimetal heatbreak)
- Linear rail for X axis (choose 300mm with block)
- 0.4 & 0.6 Hardened Steel Nozzle
- PEI magnetic bed surface
- DELL Wyse 3040 (performance-wise its an RPi3B+ substitute)
- Lightweight bed mounting replacement for fast printing
- X-axis linear mount -
- Y-axis linear mount -