This repo contains the .Rmd scripts and associated html outputs for the practical sessions of the ay 2022/2023 Nonparametric Statistics course, being taught at the School of Industrial and Information Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
It is strongly recommended that you use RStudio for this course, with R version > = 3.2.5 installed. In addition, a list of contributed packages will be required as we progress through the course. They can be installed via the following commands:
install.packages(c("here", "remotes", "rmarkdown", "knitr", "rgl", "hexbin", "dplyr", "ggplot2","broom","progress")) # general-purpose packages
install.packages('pbapply')#parallel computing package
install.packages('ISLR2', 'car') # packages containing useful datasets
install.packages(c("DepthProc", "aplpack", "robustbase", "roahd")) # depth measures packages
install.packages('lmPerm') #permutation package
install.packages('np','KernSmooth','splines', 'fda', 'mgcv', 'gam') # non parametric regression packages
install.packages(c("survival", "survminer")) # survival analysis packages
install.packages(c("robustbase", "RobStatTM", "DescTools", "psych")) # robust statistics packages