Widget for sending feedback from, and about, Europeana websites.
To embed the feedback widget in your web page, add the stylesheet link, JS
script, and a target element with id europeana-feedback-widget
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@europeana/feedback-widget@0.3.2-rc.2/dist/europeana-feedback-widget.css">
<div id="europeana-feedback-widget"></div>
- Install:
pnpm install
- Run development server:
pnpm dev
- Test:
pnpm test:unit
- Check code formatting:
pnpm format
- Check code quality:
pnpm lint
- Build library:
pnpm build
- Version library:
pnpm version patch
- Publish library to NPM:
pnpm publish --access public
Licensed under the EUPL v1.2.