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Dorling cartograms from NUTS regions with Eurostat statistics

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npm install nutsdorlingcartogram


NutsDorlingCartogram = require('nutsdorlingcartogram')


<script src=""></script>


    .colors(['#2d50a0', '#6487c3', '#aab9e1', '#f0cd91', '#e6a532', '#d76e2d'])
    .thresholdValues([-15, -10, 0, 10, 15, 20])
        0: 50, // Country level
        1: 30, // NUTS 1
        2: 30, // NUTS 2
        3: 20, // NUTS 3
        colorLabel: 'Population change',
        colorUnit: 'per 1 000 inhabitants',
        sizeLabel: 'Total population',
        shareLabel: 'Share of national population',

Check out this notebook for an interactive example.

Cartogram Definition

Accessible methods and their respective parameters. Where possible, values can be defined for each NUTS level; whereby a change in NUTS level using the NUTS selector will rebuild the visualization using the parameters corresponding to the new NUTS level.

Method Description Type Required Default Value
dorling.containerId Identifier of the container upon which the cartogram will be appended string true null
dorling.width SVG viewbox width attribute number false 1000
dorling.height SVG viewbox height attribute number false 1000
dorling.standalone Whether the visualisation is a standalone version or not. Standalone versions include share buttons, modals and a eurostat logo. Boolean false false
dorling.nutsLevel NUTS level number false 2
dorling.sizeDatasetCode Eurostat database dataset identifier used to determine circle sizes string false "demo_r_pjangrp3"
dorling.sizeDatasetFilters URL parameter string to apply to the sizeDataset request string false "sex=T&age=TOTAL&unit=NR&time=2018"
dorling.colorDatasetCode Eurostat dataset identifier used to determine circle colors number false 200
dorling.colorDatasetFilters URL parameter string to apply to the colorDataset request string false "indic_de=GROWRT&time=2018"
dorling.mixNuts Permits filling in data gaps using data from different NUTS levels. For example: this adds NUTS region "DE1" of NUTS level 1 to the NUTS 2 data: { 2: {level: 1, ids: ["DE1"] } } { nutsLevel: {nutsLevelToBeAdded: number, ids: [] } } false null
dorling.exclude Exclude countries from the data shown. e.g .exclude(["MK", "ME", "TR", "AL", "RS"]) [string] false null
dorling.colorIsPercentage Whether or not the values used for the colours should be percentages. If true, the percentages are calculated using colorPercentageCalcDatasetCode and colorPercentageCalcDatasetFilters boolean false false
dorling.colorPercentageCalcDatasetCode Dataset code for the retrieval of the totals that will be used to calculate the percentages of the colour values. See agriculture example (specific cereal production / all cereal production) string false null
dorling.colorPercentageCalcDatasetFilters URL parameter string to apply to the colorPercentageCalcDataset request string false null
dorling.colorScheme d3 scale chromatic function name. Only used when a 'colors' array is not specified (see below) string false "interpolateRdYlBu"
dorling.colors An array of hex values to use for colouring the circles []string false null
dorling.thresholdValues An array of threshold values to use for classifying the data []number false null
dorling.zoom Enable d3 zoom functionality using zoom buttons boolean false true
dorling.showNutsSelector whether or not to show the radio buttons which allow the user to change between NUTS levels boolean false true;
dorling.nutsAvailable Defines which NUTS levels will be shown in the NUTS level selector array false [0,1,2,3];
dorling.nutsSelectorTranslateY Y-axis translation applied to the NUTS level selector node {'nutsLevel':number} false { 0: 375, 1: 375, 2: 375, 3: 375 }
dorling.minCircleRadius Minimum circle radius allowed when scaling the circles (for each NUTS level) {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 1.5, '1': 1.5, '2': 1.5, '3': 1.5 }
dorling.maxCircleRadius Maximum circle radius allowed when scaling the circles (for each NUTS level) {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 20, '1': 20, '2': 20, '3': 20 }
dorling.positionStrength The strength of the forces used to maintain the circle at its original position. number false 0.7
dorling.collisionStrength The strength of the collisions between circle during the d3 force simulation number false 0.1
dorling.scale d3-geo projection.scale() value number false 0.0002065379208173783
dorling.translateX d3-geo projection.translate() X value number false -390
dorling.translateY d3-geo projection.translate() Y value number false 1126
dorling.showSource show links to the source datasets for the colour and size data boolean false true
dorling.footnotesText Footnote text shown below the map string false null


Method Description Type Required Default Value
dorling.colorLegend Object which stores the configuration parameters for the circle-color legend. See here for more details on the following legend options. object false See here
   colorLegend.orient Accepted values: "vertical" or "horizontal" string false "vertical"
   colorLegend.title Legend title text string false "Circle Colour"
   colorLegend.titleWidth Width of the legend title number false 200
   colorLegend.cells Number of cells to be shown in the legend number false 5
   colorLegend.shape Shape of the legend cells ("circle" or "rect") string false "rect"
   colorLegend.shapeRadius Radius of the circle when colorLegend.shape is set to "circle" string false null
   colorLegend.shapePadding Padding to be applied to the legend cells for spacing number false 5
   colorLegend.labelAlign Alignment of the legend cell labels. string false "middle"
   colorLegend.labelOffset Distance in pixels from legend label to its corresponding cell number false 5
   colorLegend.titleYOffset Y-axis translation applied to the hover functionality explanation text {'nutsLevel':number} false { 0: 330, 1: 330, 2: 330, 3: 330 }
dorling.sizeLegend Object which stores the configuration parameters for the circle-size legend object false
   sizeLegend.title Legend title string false "Circle Size"
   sizeLegend.values Array of values used in the legend {'nutsLevel':array} false [maxValue, maxValue / 2, maxValue / 10] for each NUTS level
   sizeLegend.textFunction Function used to manipulate legend labels function false function (value) { return value.toLocaleString() }
   sizeLegend.titleYOffset Y Offset in pixels applied to the legend's title {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 10, '1': 10, '2': 10, '3': 10 }
   sizeLegend.titleXOffset X Offset in pixels applied to the legend's title {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 20, '1': 20, '2': 20, '3': 20 }
   sizeLegend.translateY Y value to be applied to the translate transform of the size legend within the parent "legends" container {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 0, '1': 0, '2': 0, '3': 0 }
   sizeLegend.bodyXOffset Legend title {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 50, '1': 50, '2': 50, '3': 50 }
   sizeLegend.bodyYOffset Legend title {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 90, '1': 90, '2': 90, '3': 90 }
   sizeLegend.labelsTranslateX X-axis translation applied to the labels of each size class {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 90, '1': 90, '2': 90, '3': 90 }
   sizeLegend.labelsOffsetY Y-axis offset applied to labels {'nutsLevel':number} false { '0': 2, '1': 2, '2': 2, '3': 2 }


Method Description Type Required Default Value
dorling.tooltip Object which stores the configuration parameters for the circle-size legend object false
   tooltip.colorLabel Label used to describe the color value of the feature string false "Color value:"
   tooltip.colorUnit Unit label to be added after the color value string false ""
   tooltip.sizeLabel Label used to describe the size value of the feature string false "Size value:"
   tooltip.sizeUnit Unit label to be added after the size value string false ""
   tooltip.shareLabel Label used to describe the percentage share value of the feature string false "Share value:"