The project happyGISCO
(pronounce as if you were French) provides with the implementation of a Python
interface to GISCO web-services. The module happygisco
will enable you to:
- run some of the basic geographical operations supported by GISCO, e.g. geocoding, routing and NUTS identification,
- retrieve most of the datasets (e.g., vector layers of countries, NUTS, ...) made available through GISCO Rest API.
documentation | available at: |
status | since 2018 – in construction |
contributors | |
license | EUPL |
This material accompanies the articles referenced below and illustrates the idea of Eurostat data as a service. The rationale is further described in the paper "Empowering and interacting with statistical produsers: A practical example with Eurostat data as a service".
Quick install and start
Once installed, the module can be imported simply:
>>> import happygisco
Notebook examples
Simple examples are available in the form of Jupyter notebooks under the notebooks/ folder, e.g.:
- some basic calls to the geocoding services,
- a simple application with NUTS vector features,
- an efficient tiled-based and multiprocessor algorithm for the overlay of vector model layer onto a regular grid, with NUTS polygonal representation as an illustration.
- an extended workflow for location identification and retrieval.
Some variants of the geolocation service are made available through the implementation of different classes:
: this is an interface to OpenStreetMap native geocoding and routing web-services;GISCOService
: this is an interface to Eurostat GISCO web-services; the geocoding and routing tools are also based on OpenStreetMap (the classGISCOService
derives fromOSMService
); it also enables the users to retrieve the NUTS region at any level from any geolocation given by its toponame (place) or its geographical coordinates;APIService
: this calls other "external" geo- web-services (including Google maps), e.g. to geolocate geographical features.
Note that no caching is performed when running the services, unless they are run from one of the features instance below (e.g. Location
It is pretty straigthforward to create an instance of a service, for example GISCOService
to call GISCO web-services:
>>> from happygisco import services
>>> service = services.GISCOService()
and run the supported methods:
>>> place = "Lampedusa, Italia"
>>> coord = service.place2coord(place, unique=True)
>>> print(coord)
[35.511134150000004, 12.59629135962961]
>>> alt_place = service.coord2place(coord)
>>> print(alt_place)
'Strada di Ponente, Lampedusa e Linosa, (Sicily), Italy'
>>> nuts = service.coord2nuts(coord, level=2)
>>> print(nuts)
{'attributes': {'CNTR_CODE': 'IT', 'LEVL_CODE': '2', 'NAME_LATN': 'Sicilia',
'NUTS_ID': 'ITG1', 'NUTS_NAME': 'Sicilia', 'OBJECTID': '320',
'SHRT_ENGL': 'Italy'},
'displayFieldName': 'NUTS_ID',
'layerId': 2, 'layerName': 'NUTS_2013', 'value': 'ITG1'}
Note that, in order to make things easier, it is possible to parse lists of places instead of single places:
>>> axis = ['Rome, Italy', 'Berlin, Germany', 'Tokyo, Japan']
>>> for p in axis: # either iterating over the places
... print(service.place2coord(p, unique=True))
[41.8933203, 12.4829321]
[52.5170365, 13.3888599]
[34.6968642, 139.4049033]
>>> coord = service.place2coord(axis, unique=True) # or running the method for the whole list
>>> print(coord)
[[41.8933203, 12.4829321], [52.5170365, 13.3888599], [34.6968642, 139.4049033]]
>>> service.coord2nuts(coord, level=2)
[{'attributes': {'CNTR_CODE': 'IT', 'LEVL_CODE': '2', 'NAME_LATN': 'Lazio',
'NUTS_ID': 'ITI4', 'NUTS_NAME': 'Lazio', 'OBJECTID': '330',
'SHRT_ENGL': 'Italy'},
'displayFieldName': 'NUTS_ID',
'layerId': 2, 'layerName': 'NUTS_2013', 'value': 'ITI4'},
{'attributes': {'CNTR_CODE': 'DE', 'LEVL_CODE': '2', 'NAME_LATN': 'Berlin',
'NUTS_ID': 'DE30', 'NUTS_NAME': 'Berlin', 'OBJECTID': '202',
'SHRT_ENGL': 'Germany'},
'displayFieldName': 'NUTS_ID',
'layerId': 2, 'layerName': 'NUTS_2013', 'value': 'DE30'},
You are also offered to use other geo web-services using APIService
, e.g. any of those listed below:
>>> print(APIService.AVAILABLE)
['GMaps', 'OpenMapQuest', 'YahooPlaceFinder', 'LiveAddress', 'Bing', 'GeoNames', 'GoogleV3', 'Nominatim', 'MapQuest']
Depending on the service selected, you may be requested to provide with your own credentials:
>>> service = services.APIService(coder='Nominatim') # no key required
>>> service.place2coord('Paris, France')
[48.8566101, 2.3514992]
>>> service = services.APIService(coder='GMaps', key='???') # use your own key here
>>> service.place2coord('Paris, France')
[48.856614, 2.3522219]
>>> service = services.APIService(coder='GeoNames', username='???') # use your own username here
>>> service.place2coord('Paris, France')
[48.85341, 2.3488]
It is possible to create simple geographical features whose methods implement and apply the different services defined above, e.g.:
- a
: a feature representing a geolocation, i.e. defined as a topo/placename or as a list of geographical coordinates, - an
: a simple vector geometry () in the sense of GISCO services expressed as a dictionary, i.e., structured like the JSON file returned by theGISCO
geocoding or reverse geocoding services, - a
: the vector geometry representing a NUTS area expressed as a dictionary, i.e., structured like the JSON file returned by theGISCO
One can for instance declare a specific location, and run any of the methods supported by the Location
>>> from happygisco import features
>>> location = features.Location(place="Lisbon, Portugal")
>>> location.coord
[38.7077507, -9.1365919]
>>> location.routing('Paris, France')
({'distance': 3058767.9, 'duration': 377538.2,
'geometry': 'uv}qEaeqhEo_XlbOutDa`~@uuVocZqa|@ttDqaZneRwcjEetxBwfYags@}_nAugsAmaYcmcApxCiiuDcvi@webB`dFeix@q}VqdvAfaj@greAtqEuwi@c~QmvqCuhZ}o`AzzVkv{@egOo|Vjf@avyCrlZocsFwo_@ef`DgdKkqQ{gPbkA{pUgwq@h{[s}`B`hJsgnBaq^oMetAkab@q~j@at~@hbd@yheAhmh@gad@vyz@dit@uxz@kjt@knh@lbd@ibd@xheAp~j@`t~@dtAjab@`q^nMahJrgnBe|[x}`BvqU`wq@nkPsgAt_KlnQdo_@r}_DwkZlksFkg@joyCdhOjzVk{V|f|@vhZph`Ab~Q`vqCsnEjpi@wdj@tyeAx|Vd`vA_cF~mx@~ui@tebB_yCtguD~aYjocAn`nAhgsAtfYrgs@pdjEbrxBhaZieR~a|@{tD`vV|cZ~}F`_}@nuUaaN',
'legs': [{'distance': 1530444.4, 'duration': 188741.1, 'steps': [], 'summary': ''},
{'distance': 1528323.5, 'duration': 188797.1, 'steps': [], 'summary': ''}]},
'location': [33.024974, 34.563786], 'name': ''},
'location': [44.297338, 37.002496], 'name': ''},
'location': [33.024974, 34.563786], 'name': ''}])
>>> location.findnuts(level=[2,3])
{2: 'PT17', 3: 'PT170'}
>>> location.distance('Paris, France')
What about creating a NUTS object:
>>> nuts = features.NUTS()
Geospatial tools are derived from gdal
methods and provided in the GDALTransform
These tools can be used, for instance, with NUTS appropriate vector data sources to operate the NUTS identification. Note that it is a brute-force solution, since the program will explore sequentially all NUTS features so as to identify the correct region. This could be improved using a multithread process for instance, e.g. using multiprocessing
module. Besides, the program does not check the validity of the result returned by Google maps services, since this result can be ambiguous and/or inaccurate.
In the associated classes GeoAngle
and GeoCoordinate
, you will find also some basic implementations of simple geoprocessing tools, e.g. units conversion, (geodesic) distance calculation, ... For a quick review on the latter, have for instance a look at this.
- The Geographic Information System of the Commission at Eurostat: GISCO .
- GISCO webservices: find-nuts and geocode.
- GISCO data distribution REST API and its visualisation tool.
- GISCO themes with links to countries (corresponding list of datasets) and NUTS (corresponding list of datasets).
- NUTS bulk download page. You can for instance download 2013 (1:60 Million) NUTS data and find out how to interpret it.
- NUTS online and NUTS on EU Vocabularies.
administrative and statistical units
andcorrespondence table
between degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA) or local administrative units. - TERCET tool and territorial typologies.
- Service Nuts2json of NUTS
datasets reformatted for web-mapping (datasets and scripts).
Software resources/dependencies
package and cookbook.- Geocoding/processing packages:
(suggested). - Packages for (geospatial) data handling:
. - Packages for map visualisations:
. - asyncio library and aiohttp for asynchronous I/O.
- Packages for caching:
- Grazzini J., Museux J.-M. and Hahn M. (2018): Empowering and interacting with statistical produsers: A practical example with Eurostat data as a service, in Proc. Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3240557.
- Grazzini J., Lamarche P., Gaffuri J. and Museux J.-M. (2018): "Show me your code, and then I will trust your figures": Towards software-agnostic open algorithms in statistical production, in Proc. Quality Conference, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3240282.
- Downey. A (2012): Think
, Green Tea Press.