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After dectecting a movie has been downloaded Legendario will search and download its subtitles automatically.


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Legendario RubyGem

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After dectecting a movie has been downloaded Legendario will search and download its subtitles automatically.


I don't know the reason for it, but installing the gem using sudo it not working. So I recommend you install RVM or rbenv in advance and then install legendario with a non privileved user like yourself.

see RVM installtion

or rbenv

Then install Legendario yourself as:

$ gem install legendario


There are 3 tools at the moment:

crawl4subs: Will download the subtitles of the movies
inside a parent folder recursively.

watch4subs: Watches a folder for new movies and downloads the subtitles as soon 
as the movie finishes downloading.

lang4subs: Change the default language of
all the movies in a parent folder recursively.

In case you are a polyglot you can pass as many languages as you like as parameters. The first language available for the movie will be set as the default language for the movie.


Download subtitles in English and Portuguese for all the movies

$ crawl4subs "folder-with-movies" pob eng por

for example.

Default languages are: eng por spa ger on this sequence of priority. Sub language ISO 639-2 code like pob (Brazilian Portuguese), fre or eng.

Lay back and let watch4subs do all the work for you. As soon a new movie arrives it will download the subtitles for it.

Edit your rc.local file to start watch4subs after boot

su (username) -lc "watch4subs folder-with-movies subs-langs"  

Example su evandro -lc "watch4subs ~/Downloads pob por spa"

Change the languages of the subtitles

$ lang4subs "folder-with-movies" spa por

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Subtitles service powered by


After dectecting a movie has been downloaded Legendario will search and download its subtitles automatically.



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