Python3 based Docker for Eagle to MQTT reader
I have only ported this into a dockerfile, as well as made some changes to code for security or other purposes. All Original code is credit to Ted Drain - TD22057.
This project utilizes the following tools:
2020-04-06: Moved Updates to a file to clean this up.
docker create \
--name=py-eagle-mqtt \
-e MQTT_BROKER_IP=<broker ip address> \
-e MQTT_BROKER_PORT=<broker port number> \
-e KEEPALIVE=<keepalive time in seconds> \
-e MQTT_USER=<username>
-e MQTT_PASSWORD=<password>
-p 22042:22042 \
Parameter | Function |
The IP address of your MQTT Broker |
The PORT your MQTT Broker listens on. Defaults to 1883 if not specified |
Parameter | Function |
Keepalive time in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified |
The User Name for your MQTT Broker if you use one. Defaults to None if not specified |
The Password for your MQTT Broker if you use one. Defaults to None if not specified |
snippet from my MQTT Broker showing container connecting and dissconnecting when I start/stop it:
{"pid":1,"hostname":"mqtt-867c776494-6rc57","name":"mosca","level":30,"time":1535955884767,"msg":"client connected","client":"","v":1}
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
Original Readme as follows from creator, Ted Drain. You can view the original repo this is based on here:
A collection of scripts and utilities for various home automation projects.
- bin/ Command line tools
- conf/ Sample config files
- init.d/ Init.d style Linux start up scripts
- python/ Main scripting library
- systemd/ Systemd (latest Raspian) start up scripts
- upstart/ Upstart (Ubuntu 14.04) style start up scripts
Currently most of the scripts read data from various sources and translate the data into JSON'ed dictionaries which get published to a MQTT message broker.
python/tHome/eagle contains code for reading data directly from an Eagle energy monitor. Use bin/ to start a small web server and set the address as the "cloud provider" in the Eagle. The Eagle will publish energy data to the server which will converts it into a message and publishes that as a MQTT messages.