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A web component for visual and audio countdown timing. (For when my kids need to stop doing a thing they don't want to stop.)


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A custom element for visual and audio countdown timing. (For when my kids need to stop doing a thing they don't want to stop. And for when I'm teaching and running a time sensitive exercise)

<talking-timer> uses the Web Speech API, the Web Audio API and custom elements to build a Web component that provides audio and visual representation of the progress of a timer.

You can see it in action on CodePen

How it works

  1. You create a <talking-timer time="HH:MM:SS"></talking-timer> element.
  2. When you're ready you press the "Start" button and the timer begins counting down
  3. Then as it reaches defined times it announces the time reached (e.g. "Half way.")
  4. When it reaches zero, it says "Time's up." (or whatever you've set end-message to and plays a chime

At it's most basic you can configure a reusable timer like so: (this is a three minute timer)

<talking-timer time="03:00">Egg timer</talking-timer>

The text within the element wrapper is used a the title for the time.


time (required)

Duration of the timer.

The time attribute is required and can either be the total number of seconds or a time string (HH:MM:SS)

NOTE: hours & minutes are optional

<talking-timer time="03:00">
  Three minute timer

<talking-timer time="180">
  Three minute timer (defined as seconds)

<talking-timer time="2:15:00">
  Two hours and fifteen minute timer


end-message allows you to control what is spoken when a timer completes.

NOTE: If you use the nosayend attribute and end-message, nosayend will be ignored on the assumption that if you're going to the trouble to specify a custom end message, then you want it to be spoken, thus nosayend is a mistake.'

<talking-timer time="03:00" end-message="What??? Still not loaded???">
  Sitecore page load


By default speak is set to "1/2 30s last20 last15 allLast10":

  • 1/2 - announce the "Half way." interval
  • 30s - announce every 30 second and 1 minute interval (e.g. for a three minute timer that would be "30 seconds gone.", "1 minute gone.", "1 minute to go.", "30 seconds to go.". NOTE: "1 minute, 30 seconds" is the same as "Half way.". Because 1/2 was defined first, it has higher priority so "1 minute, 30 seconds" is omitted.)
  • last20 (same as last20s) = "20 seconds to go."
  • last15 (same as last15s) = "15 seconds" (as intervals get closer together, there's less time to say everything so we drop the "to go." part)
  • allLast10 count down from 10 ("Ten!", "Nine!", "Eights!", "Seven!", "Six!", "Five!", "Four!", "Three!", "Two!", "One!")

NOTE: Text to speech is not fully supported by all browsers

speak options

NOTE: speak options are not case sensitive, and their parts can be hyphen or underscore separated for better readability.

speak option pattern:
  1. Time interval:
    • [all|every|X][last|first][YY][s|m|h] or
    • (hypen separated) [all|X]][last|first]-[YY]-[s|m|h] or
    • (underscore separated) [all]_[last|first]_[YY]_[s|m|h]
  2. Fraction interval:
    • [all|every|X][last|first]1/[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] or
    • (hypen separated) [all|X]-[last|first]-1/[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] or
    • (underscore separated) [all|X]_[last|first]_1/[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  • all - is a modifier for last & first. all is assumed if last/last is not present. All of these intervals are spoken (e.g. allLast5m: speak 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1 minutes to go) or (e.g all5m = 5m: if timer if 25 minutes speak 20, 15, 10 & 5 minutes to go)

  • X (represents a number) is a modifier for last & first. When present, it multiplies the number of times a give interval is announced (e.g. 3last15 - same as last15 & last30 & last45 - would result in "45 seconds to go.", "30 seconds to go." & "15 Seconds") or (e.g. 2last1/5 - would result in both "Two fifths to go." & "One fifth to go" being announced)

  • every - works in the same way as X but every interval is spoken for the duration of the timer relative to last / first. (e.g. everyLast30 - for a three minute timer: "2 minutes and 30 seconds to go.", "2 minutes to go.", "1 minute and 30 seconds to go.", "1 minute to go.", "30 seconds to go.") or (e.g. everyLast1/4 - # a three minute timer: "3 quarters to go.", "Half way.", "1 quarter to go.")

  • last|first - this interval is spoken when its based on the time remaining (for last) or time ellapsed (for first). (e.g. last5m: speak the interval five minutes from the end of the timer.) or (e.g. first1m: speak "One minute passed." after the time has run for a minute.) NOTE: When all & first/last are combined with a fraction, the fractions are spoken after or before the halfway mark respectively. (e.g. allFirst1/5 "One Fifth gone." & "Two fifths gone." will be spoken) (e.g. everyFirst1/5 "One Fifth gone.", "two Fifth gone.", "three Fifth gone." & "four fifths gone." will be spoken)

Time interval: Seconds, Minutes & Hours
  • YY: (YY represents digits) - the number of seconds/minutes/hours from the end (e.g. all5m: speak interval every 5 minutes)
  • s|m|h - s = seconds, m = minutes, h = hours (NOTE: if this is omitted seconds are assumend)
Second pattern: Fractions
  • 1/2 ,1/3 ,1/4 ,1/5 ,1/6 ,1/7 ,1/8 ,1/9 ,1/10 fraction of total time to be announced.
<!-- -->
<talking-timer time="03:00" speak="1m allLast10">
  Only speak minute intervals and countdown last 10 seconds
    "1 minute gone."
    "1 minute to go."
    "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"
    "Time's up."

<talking-timer time="03:00" nospeak="1/3 last20 1m">
  Only speak thirds, minute intervals and
  last second announcements
    NOTE: In this example `1m` is redundant because it's the same as 1/3,
          so it is omitted because, by default, franction intervals
          have priority over time intervals)
    "One third gone."
    "One third to go."
    "20 seconds to go."
    "Time's up."

<talking-timer time="03:00" nospeak="1/3 last20 1m" priority="time">
  Only speak thirds, minute intervals and
  last second announcements
    NOTE: In this example `1/3` is redundant because it's the same as 1m.
          With priority set to `time`, fractions are omitted if they
          over lap an equivalent time interval.
    "1 minute gone."
    "1 minute to go."
    "20 seconds to go."
    "Time's up."

<talking-timer time="03:00">
  Speak default announcements
    "30 seconds gone."
    "1 minute gone."
    "Half way."
    "1 minute to go."
    "30 seconds to go."
    "20 seconds to go."
    "15 seconds."
    "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"
    "Time's up."

<talking-timer time="03:00" speak="" nosayend>
  Nothing in speak (i.e. empty whitelist)
  Don't speak any announcments - Silent (but play tone at the end)

NOTE: When announcements overlap (e.g. 3 minute time with minutes and thirds) Minute announcements are spoken and fractions are skipped


Hide the "Pause" from the user interface (UI) button while the timer is counting.

NOTE: nopause also hides the "Start again", "Reset" & "Close X" buttons during time activity


Hides the Start again button from the UI


Hides the Reset button from the UI


By default "Time's up!" is spoken when a timer ends. By including nosayend you can block this behaviour.

NOTE: You can configure what is spoken at the end of a timer by using the end-message attributes.

Note also: if end-message is present, nosayend is ignored on the basis that if you go to the trouble of specifying end-message, then nosayend is probably a mistake


By default, a short 5 second chime is played upon timer completion. If you're using the timer on Firefox mobile the chime sounds TERRIBLE you can use no noendchime to disable it.


Removed the ability to configure <talking-timer>

NOTE: When the timer is active changing the configuration functionality is disabled. (i.e. changing configuration is only possible before the timer starts and after the timer has finished.)


If you don't want the timer to be able to be dismissed, use noclosebtn

NOTE: noclosebtn & selfdestruct are mutually exclusive. if selfdestruct is simply boolean then noclosebtn will override it and prevent the node from being automatically removed after completion of timer.
Conversly, if selfdestruct is set with a numeric value (e.g. selfdestruct="5") then it assumes that noclosebutton is a mistake, so noclosebutton is ignored


autoreset causes the timer to automatically reset itself when it completes.


By default nothing is spoken when a timer starts by the including saystart attribute "Ready! Set! Go!" is spoken.

NOTE: Start text can be configured using the [start-message] (#start-message) attribute (see below)


To reduce the amount of talking, announcements can only be made if they are seven seconds later or earlier than another anouncement. By default fraction anouncements have priority e.g. when the timer is set to 3 minutes, the "Half way" announcement is also the same as the "One minute, thirty seconds to go" anouncement so the "Half way" announcement is spoken but the "One minute, thirty seconds to go." is skipped.

priority options:

It's possible (even probable) that, when using fraction intervals (like 1/2) and time intervals (like 30s) you will get two announcements for the same interval. In this case, the priority decides which is spoken.

  • fraction (default) Fraction intervals are spoken if there's a confilict between a time and a fraction announcement.
  • time time intervals are spoken if there's a confilict between a time and a fraction announcement.
  • order order they're defined in speak - the one defined first over-rides one spoken at a similar time but defined later.
<talking-timer time="03:00">
  When the timer is set to 3 minutes, the "Half way." announcement is
  also the same as the "One minute, thirty seconds to go." anouncement
  so the "Half way." announcement is spoken but the "One minute,
  thirty seconds to go." is skipped.

<talking-timer time="03:00" priority="time">
  When the timer is set to 3 minutes, the "Half way." announcement is
  also the same as the "One minute, thirty seconds to go." anouncement
  so the "One minute, thirty seconds to go." announcement is spoken
  but the "Half way" is skipped.

<talking-timer time="03:00" priority="fraction">
  The "Half way." announcement is also the same as the "One minute,
  thirty seconds to go." anouncement so the "Half way" announcement
  is spoken but the "One minute, thirty seconds to go." is skipped.

<talking-timer time="03:00" priority="order" speak="1/3 30s 1/4 last20 last15 allLast10">
  The "Half way." (2/4) announcement is also the same as the
  "One minute, thirty seconds to go." anouncement but since `30s` is
  defined before `1/4`, "One minute, thirty seconds to go." is spoken
  and "Half way." is skipped.


start-message allows you to control what is spoken when a timer starts.

NOTE: by default nothing is spoken when a timer starts start-message has the same result as saystart with the added advantage that you can control what is spoken


If selfdestruct is set, then the timer will remove itself thirty seconds after completion or as many seconds as the timer ran for (which ever is shorter).

<talking-timer time="03:00" selfdestruct>
  Self destruct after 30 seconds

<talking-timer time="03:00" selfdestruct="true">
  Self destruct after 30 seconds

<talking-timer time="03:00" selfdestruct="600">
  Self destruct after 10 minutes

NOTE: If selfdestruct has a numeric value, then that number will set the number of seconds, after timer finishes, when the node will remove itself.

NOTE ALSO: If the value of selfdestruct is greater than 43200 (12 hours) 43200 will be used.

FINAL NOTE: noclosebtn & selfdestruct are mutually exclusive. if selfdestruct is has a numeric value it will override noclosebtn will override it and will force the node to be automatically removed after completion of timer.

External default config

To make it easier to just drop the <taking-timer> code into your project, I've set up a way to allow you to customise the some of the defaults so you don't have to configure via attributes.

If you define talkingTimerExternalDefaults in the global scope, then its properties can be used to define <taking-timer>'s default values.

NOTE: the type of the value you define must match the default value's type listed below or they will be ignored

Note also: You only need to define the properties you wish to over-ride.

var talkingTimerExternalDefaults = {
  priority: 'fraction',
  pre: {
    10000: 200,
    19999: 600,
    86400: 1200,
  preSpeakStart: 2300,
  preSpeakEnd: 3300,
  chimeDelay: 5000,
  suffixes: {
    first: ' gone.',
    last: ' to go.',
    half: 'Half way.',
  intervalTime: 20,
  sayDefault: '1/2 30s last20 last15 allLast10',
  endText: 'Time\'s up!',
  startText: 'Ready. Set. Go!',


See priority attribute documentation above


pre controls the amount of time (in milliseconds) speaking an interval should start before the actual interval occurs

  • 10000 = 10 seconds (10k milliseconds) This is for spoken intervals where the time remaining is 10 seconds or less (i.e. only the number of seconds is spoken - e.g. "Eight")

  • 19999 = 20 seconds (20k milliseconds) This is for spoken intervals where the time remaining greater than 10 seconds and less than 20 seconds. It needs to be a bit longer to account for saying the word "seconds" after the number of seconds is spoken. (i.e. the number plus "seconds" is spoken but "to go." is omitted - e.g. "Fifteen seconds")

  • 86400 = 1 day This is for everything else. It accounts for the extra time taken to say "to go." or "gone" (e.g. "One minute, Thirty seconds to go.")


This provides a delay to starting the timer when "Ready. Set. Go!" is spoken before the timer starts.


If the end chime is to be played along after "Time's up!" is spoken, this provides the delay so the chime doesn't start before the browser has finished announcing "Time's up!".


If the end chime is played when the timer finishes and the timer is set to self destruct or auto reset, this provides the delay so that the chime finishes playing before the <talking-timer> block is removed or reset.


Suffixes are what is said to denote the interval's relation to the begining or end of the timer.

  • first (default: " gone.") defines what is spoken when an interval is relative to the start of the timer.

  • last (default: " to go.") defines what is spoken when an interval is relative to the finish of the timer.

  • half (default: "Half way.") what is spoken when the timer is exactly half way.


The time ellapsed for timer takes to check where it's at and do the stuff it needs to do (like updating the timer coundown.)


The codes for the intervals that are spoken when the <talking-timer> doesn't specify them specifically.


What is spoken when the timer finishes


What is spoken just before the timer starts.


Styling is very personal. I've done what I think is a good design. But what I think is good and what you think is good may not necessarily be the same. So, in light of that, most of the visual style of the talking-timer web component can be styled via CSS variables.

Below are tables for the variables controlling the style of each element in the shadow dom along with the CSS attribute they represent and the defaults value I've set.

talking timer wrapper (.TalkingTimer-wrapper)

Grid setup for talking timer

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--talkingTimer-columns grid-template-columns auto 2em
--talkingTimer-rows grid-template-rows 2em auto auto 2em auto auto

Heading (<h1>)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--h1-size font-size 1.5em
--h1-padding padding 0.5em 2.5em 0.5em 0.5em
--h1-align text-align center

Heading (no close button) (h1.noclosebtn)

If the close button is hidden, you need to adjust the padding to ensure the heading is centred (if you keep it centred as is default)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--h1-noclosebtn-padding noclosebtn-padding 0.5em

Timer text (.timer-text)

Timer text is the text that changes (counts down) as the timer progresses

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--timertext-color color (font colour) #222
--timertext-family family verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif
--timertext-size font-size 6em
--timertext-weight font-weight bold
--timertext-padding padding 0.1em 0.25em 0.2em
--timertext-align text-align center

Timer text (completed) (.timer-text.finished)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--finished-background background-color #c00
--finished-color color (font colour) #fff

Progress bar (<progress>)

(Still working on this styling. there are big differences between Chrome and Firefox)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--progress-background background #fff
--progress-border-color border-color #ccc
--progress-border-width border-width 0.05em
--progress-color color (font colour) #F00
--progress-height line-height 2em
--progress-left left -0.05em
--progress-right right auto

Default buttons (<button>)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--btn-color color inherit
--btn-background background-color #fff
--btn-size font-size 1.25em
--btn-padding padding 0.5em 0
--btn-border-color border-color #c0e
--btn-border-width border-width 0.05em

Default buttons (hover) (<button>:hover)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--btn-hover-color color #fff
--btn-hover-background background-color #eee
--btn-hover-border-color border-color #eee
--btn-hover-border-width border-width 0.05em

Play/Pause button (.playPauseBtn)

Button that triggers Play/Pause (Green with white text by default)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--playpause-color color (font colour) #fff
--playpause-size font-size 1.25em
--playpause-weight font-weight bold
--playpause-background background #050
--playpause-border-width border-width 0.05em
--playpause-border-color border-color #040

Play/Pause button (hover) (.playPauseBtn:hover)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--playpause-hover-weight font-weight bold
--playpause-hover-color color (font colour) #fff
--playpause-hover-background background-color #030
--playpause-hover-border-width border-width #fff
--playpause-hover-border-color border-color #020

Small button (.smallBtn)

By defaul the close button sits on the top right of the <talking-timer> box

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--smallbtn-background background-color transparent
--smallbtn-border-color border-color transparent
--smallbtn-border-style border-style none
--smallbtn-border-width border-width 0
--smallbtn-color color (font colour) inherit
--smallbtn-left left (grid-column-start) 2
--smallbtn-padding padding 0.2em 0.25em
--smallbtn-position position absolute
--smallbtn-right right (grid-column-end 3
--smallbtn-size font-size 2em
--smallbtn-weight font-weight normal

Small button (hover) (.smallBtn:hover)

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--smallbtn-hover-color color (font colour) #c00
--smallbtn-hover-weight font-weight bold
--smallbtn-hover-background hover-background transparent
--smallbtn-hover-border-width border-width 0
--smallbtn-hover-border-style border-style none
--smallbtn-hover-border-color border-color transparent

Close button (.closeBtn)

Position of the close button (using Grid columns) <talking-timer>

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--closebtn-top top (grid-row-start) 1
--closebtn-bottom bottom (grid-row-end) 2

Config button (.configBtn)

Position of the config button (using Grid columns) <talking-timer>

Variable name CSS attribute default value
--configbtn-top top (grid-row-start) 3
--configbtn-bottom bottom (grid-row-end) 4


A web component for visual and audio countdown timing. (For when my kids need to stop doing a thing they don't want to stop.)







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