This library calculates performs calculations with the Wilks coefficient, which is a coefficient used by the International Powerlifting Federation to determine the relative strength of competitors. They also use this coefficient for determining the qualification requirements for championships.
npm install wilks-calculator
const wilksCalculator = require('wilks-calculator')
wilksCalculator.calculateWilksScore(gender, bodyWeight, liftedWeight, [unitType]);
gender (string)
- 'm' for Male and 'f' for FemalebodyWeight (number)
liftedWeight (number)
unitType (string)
- 'metric' or 'imperial' (optional)
wilksCalculator.calculateWeightToLift(gender, bodyWeight, wilksScore, [unitType]);
gender (string)
- 'm' for Male and 'f' for FemalebodyWeight (number)
wilksScore (number)
unitType (string)
- 'metric' or 'imperial' (optional)
wilksCalculator.calculateNeededBodyWeight(gender, liftedWeight, wilksScore, [unitType]);
gender (string)
- 'm' for Male and 'f' for FemaleliftedWeight (number)
wilksScore (number)
unitType (string)
- 'metric' or 'imperial' (optional)
var femaleWilksScore = calculateWilksScore('f', 60, 300);
// Returns 334.47
var maleWilksScore = calculateWilksScore('m', 90, 500);
// Returns 319.20
var femaleImperialWilksScore = calculateWilksScore('f', 132, 660, 'imperial');
// Returns 334.31
var maleImperialWilksScore = calculateWilksScore('m', 176, 882, 'imperial');
// Returns 273.49
var femaleTotal = calculateWeightToLift('f', 60, 350);
// Returns 313.93 (kg)
var maleTotal = calculateWeightToLift('m', 80, 350);
// Returns 512.67 (kg)
var femaleImperialTotal = calculateWeightToLift('f', 132, 660, 'imperial');
// Returns 690.97 (lbs)
var maleImperialTotal = calculateWeightToLift('m', 176, 350, 'imperial');
// Returns 1128.74 (lbs)
var femaleBodyWeight = calculateNeededBodyWeight('f', 300, 350);
// Returns 56.6 (kg)
var maleBodyWeight = calculateNeededBodyWeight('m', 600, 350);
// Returns 113.2 (kg)
var femaleImperialBodyWeight = calculateNeededBodyWeight('f', 690, 660, 'imperial');
// Returns 131.62 (lbs)
var maleImperialBodyWeight = calculateNeededBodyWeight('m', 1128, 350, 'imperial');
// Returns 175.70 (lbs)
npm test