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A C++23 buffer type with compile-time checked slice/view/join operations


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This repository contains a small C++23 library. The main feature of this library is safe buffer type which is similar to std::array, but has some compile-time checked slice/join/view operations.


Add the source file from the src directory to your project. Note: A C++23-capable compiler is required, C++ modules support is required.



All non-qualified types mentioned in this section are located in the rose namespace.

In this library a buffer is a type which contains (or references) an array of some value type and size.

A buffer also has a tag type. This tag type helps to differentiate between buffers of the same value types and sizes (see the BUFFER TAG TYPES section for details).

There are 3 kinds of buffers:

  • buffer, buffer_secure - aggregates, the last one zeroes out the memory it owns upon its destruction;
  • buffer_reference - not an aggregate, can only be constructed from the other two buffer types, behaves as a reference to existing buffer objects.


This library defines the following concepts:

  • static_buffer - matches any kind of buffer type;
  • static_buffer_reference - matches any kind of buffer reference type;
  • static_byte_buffer - matches any kind of buffer type whose value type is std::byte;


Buffer reference type, buffer_reference, behaves exactly as a normal C++ reference, i.e. it has the same interface as the corresponding buffer or buffer_secure types.

Its purpose is to avoid construction of temporary buffers. The buffer_reference type contains only a single pointer, so it has zero overhead over a normal C++ reference. In practice, the buffer_reference type should almost never be used directly; the ref/ref_mut templates should be used instead.

Note: All function templates which create buffer_references are always safe to use. Possible buffer overflows are checked at compile time.

Now, how can this reference type benefit your code? Let's consider the following example.

Let's say we have a 256-byte packet which we know starts with two 32-byte frames. We want to parse this packet and process these two starting frames.

The following code shows how this can be done using this library's type-safe buffer interface.

import rose.buffer;
using rose::buffer;
using rose::ref;

// Note: rose::ref<T> behaves similarly to T const&.
// Note: rose::ref_mut<T> behaves similarly to T&.

using packet = buffer<256>;
using frame = buffer<32>;

process_frame(ref<frame> f) {
    // Do something with f.

parse(ref<packet> packet) {
    auto [f0, f1] = packet.view_as<frame, frame>();

If normal C++ reference was used as the parameter for the process_frame function, then construction of temporary objects would have been necessary. But in this example we essentially just take two pointers.

This example uses variadic view_as member function template which, depending on the number of its template parameters, returns either an object of type buffer_reference, or a std::tuple of buffer_references. This member function template can also make buffer references starting from some offset:

// This makes buffer_references starting from packet's 16-th byte.
auto [f0, f1] = packet.view_as<16, frame, frame>();

All offset computations are performed at compile time, and buffer overflow can never happen: if, for instance, the packet's size was 63 instead of 256, then the compiler would have detected buffer overflow and the code wouldn't have compiled at all.

There's another useful variadic function template which can create buffer_references: view_buffer_by_chunks. It is a non-member function template which takes one buffer as an input, let's call it x, and creates a sequence of buffer_references of the specified size which reference successive parts of x (these buffer_references all have the same value and tag types as the initial buffer).

Let's take a look at the following example.

// packet is of type packet from example above.
auto chunks = view_buffer_by_chunks<32>(packet);

Here chunks is an 8-element (256 / 32 = 8) buffer of buffer_references, each having their size equal to 32. The view_buffer_by_chunks function template always checks that division does not produce a remainder: in the example above it checks at compile time if (256 % 32 == 0).

There's another convenient function for converting std::spans with static extents to corresponding buffer_references: span_to_buffer_ref. Here's an example:

auto s0 = std::span<25, std::byte>{data, 25}; // Our span.
auto b = rose::span_to_buffer_ref<rose::buffer<25>>(s0); // Mutable reference.

auto s1 = std::span<25, std::byte const>{data, 25}; // Our span.
auto c = rose::span_to_buffer_ref<rose::buffer<25>>(s1); // Constant reference.


Buffers can be joined (concatenated) using the join_buffers and join_buffers_secure non-member variadic function templates:

// In the following x0, x1, x2 are buffers or buffer_references.
auto y0 = join_buffers(x0, x1, x2);
auto y1 = join_buffers_secure(x0, x1, x2);

// Note: y0 is buffer, y1 is buffer_secure.
// Note: y0 has the same contents as y1, i.e. concatenation of x0, x1 and x2.


Note: All function templates which copy/fill/extract buffers are always safe to use. Possible buffer overflow is checked at compile time. Copy/fill operations are also safe for overlapping buffers (this situation may happen when buffer_references are used), since these operations use std::copy_n algorithm which doesn't require non-overlapping ranges (unlike std::copy which requires non-overlapping source and destination ranges).

Contents of one buffer, let's call it src, can be copied to a non-empty list of buffers using the copy_into variadic member function template:

// Copy elements from src successively into x0, x1, x2:
src.copy_into(x0, x1, x2);

// Copy elements from src, starting from offset 21 (in src), successively into
// x0, x1, x2:
src.copy_into<21>(x0, x1, x2);

Contents of one buffer, let's call it dst, can be filled from a non-empty list of buffers using the fill_from variadic member function template:

// Copy elements from x0, x1, x2 successively into dst:
dst.fill_from(x0, x1, x2);

// Copy elements from x0, x1, x2 successively into dst, starting from offset 21
// (in dst):
dst.fill_from<21>(x0, x1, x2);

Contents of one buffer, let's call it src, can be extracted to another buffer, or a std::tuple of buffers, using the extract variadic member function template:

// Extract elements from src to b0 which will be a buffer size 21:
auto b0 = src.extract<buffer<21>>();

// Extract elements from src to std::tuple<buffer<15>, buffer<32>, buffer<11>>:
auto [b1, b2, b3] = src.extract<buffer<15>, buffer<32>, buffer<11>>();

// Extract elements from src, starting from offset 21, to b4 which will be a
// buffer of size 33:
auto b4 = src.extract<21, buffer<33>>();

// Extract elements from src to std::tuple<buffer<11>, buffer<1>, buffer<2>>,
// starting from offset 21:
auto [b5, b6, b7] = src.extract<21, buffer<11>, buffer<1>, buffer<2>>();


Any integer of type T can be converted to/from a buffer whose value type is std::byte and size equals to the number of bytes in value representation of T (which equals to sizeof(T) if T has no padding bytes) using the int_to_buffer and buffer_to_int non-member function templates:

using integer_container = buffer<rose::integer_size<unsigned>>;

unsigned i = 57;
auto b0 = rose::int_to_buffer(i);

auto b1 = integer_container{};
int_to_buffer(i, b1); // ADL should find this function template.

// Postcondition: b0 == b1

auto j = buffer_to_int<unsigned>(b0);
auto k = unsigned{};
buffer_to_int(b1, k);

// Postcondition: (i == j) && (j == k)


Here's an example from cryptography of when tag types can be useful. Let's say we have two key types: one for stream cipher and another one for MAC (message authentication code). Both are buffers of std::bytes of size 32:

using rose::buffer_secure;

using cipher_key = buffer_secure<32, std::byte>;
using mac_key = buffer_secure<32, std::byte>;

But this two types are in realty the same, i.e. buffer_secure<32, std::byte>, and using one key in place of the other is totally fine from compiler's point of view, while actually doing so is usually an error.

Tag types for the rescue:

struct cipher_key_tag {};
struct mac_key_tag {};

using cipher_key = buffer_secure<32, std::byte, cipher_key_tag>;
using mac_key = buffer_secure<32, std::byte, mac_key_tag>;

Now, cipher_key and mac_key are different types, and compiler will catch the misuse of one key when the other one is required.

Note that buffer_reference also contains tag type, so using ref in function parameters guarantees type safety:

encrypt(ref<cipher_key> k);

compute_mac(ref<mac_key> k);


Copyright Nezametdinov E. Ildus 2023. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


A C++23 buffer type with compile-time checked slice/view/join operations








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