Provisions a self-managed Elasticsearch cluster in AWS for storing logs using Terraform.
This will create an Elasticsearch cluster that automatically curates old indices and funnel logs set to a AWS Kinesis stream.
terraform get -update=true # Fetches latest dependencies
terraform plan -out terraform.tfplan -var access_key=... -var secret_key=... -var region=...
terraform apply terraform.tfplan
Required. The key to use for provisioning EC2 instances. Without this you will NOT be able to SSH onto the cluster.
Required. A comma separated list of AWS subnet IDs. The more subnets specified, the more spread out the cluster will be.
Required. The ID of the VPC for the cluster to be provisioned in. This must be the VPC same as the VPC the subnets belong to.
Defaults to m3.medium. The EC2 instance type to use for the cluster.
Defaults to 100Gb. The storage capacity per node.
Defaults to 3. The number of nodes in the cluster.
Defaults to 14 days. How many days to keep each Elasticsearch index.
Defaults to .kibana. Which Elasticsearch indices to not remove.
Defaults to cluster_size. How many shards for the Kinesis stream.
Introduced a Logstash instance to funnel from AWS Kinesis to the Elasticsearch cluster. This is in part because Logstash does additional maintenance to ensure it is running reliably.
- Fix rebuilding functions
- Auto-scaling when low of storage