Wraps watir-webdriver with convenient testing interface, based on PageObjects automation testing pattern. Simplifies resulting automated test understanding.
Warning: version 1.0 and higher are not compatible with older versions
Install Firefox on your system
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'page_object_wrapper'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install page_object_wrapper
#####please look into specs for more detailed usage examples
- Define page object with PageObjectWrapper.define_page
- Use defined page object inside your tests with usefull page_object #methods
- there are following objects: page_object, elements_set with elements, table, action, pagination
- a page_object contains elements_sets, tables, actions, paginations
- an elements_set contains elements
- every object has a :label
- a label identifies the object
Here in the structure of PageObjectWrapper:
where required attributes are marked with (*)
optional arguments are enclosed with [ ]
PageObjectWrapper.define_page :some_test_page do
locator 'http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/testel.html' # url
text_field(:tf) do # defines a text_field
locator :id => 'f1' # element locator (can be Hash or String)
menu :user_defined, 'some food' # input data with type :user_defined for this element
select(:s1) do # select list
locator :id => 'f10'
menu :fresh_food, 'one'
menu :missing_food, 'three'
table(:table_with_header) do # table with predifined header
locator :summary => 'Each row names a Nordic country and specifies its total area and land area, in square kilometers'
header [:country, :total_area, :land_area] # header will be used later inside #select_from_xxx calls
PageObjectWrapper.define_page :some_test_page do
locator 'http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/testel.html'
elements_set :test_elements do
text_field(:tf) do
locator :id => 'f1'
menu :user_defined, 'some food'
textarea :ta do
locator :id => 'f2'
select :s1 do
locator :id => 'f10'
menu :fresh_food, 'one'
menu :missing_food, 'three'
PageObjectWrapper.define_page :some_test_page do
locator 'http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/testel.html'
text_field :tf do
locator :id => 'f1'
menu :user_defined, 'some food'
required true # will be checked for presence upon page load
if all pages are similar through out the web app, it's possible to additionaly set a number of uniq elements
which will be checked for presence as well
PageObjectWrapper.define_page :some_test_page_similar_to_previous do
locator 'http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/testel.html'
uniq_h1 :text => 'Testing display of HTML elements'
text_field :tf do
locator :id => 'f1'
menu :user_defined, 'some food'
required true # will be checked for presence upon page load
actions are being executed in browser context
PageObjectWrapper.define_page :some_test_page do
locator 'http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/testel.html'
uniq_h1 :text => 'Testing display of HTML elements'
action(:press_cool_button, :test_page_with_table) do # this action returns :test_page_with_table object after execution
button(:name => 'foo').when_present.click
action :fill_textarea_with_returned_value do |fill_with| # this action returns 'data'
data = (fill_with.nil?)? 'Default data' : fill_with # (because returned page object is not specified)
textarea(:id => 'f2').set data
action_alias(:fill_textarea_alias, :some_test_page){ action :fill_textarea }
action_alias(:fill_textarea_with_returned_value_alias){ action :fill_textarea_with_returned_value }
table(:table_without_header) do
locator :summary => 'Each row names a Nordic country and specifies its total area and land area, in square kilometers'
There is a directory, where we've defined a page_object inside a *_page.rb file
specify browser to be used by PageObjectWrapper
@b = Watir::Browser.new PageObjectWrapper.use_browser @b
load defined pages
open page in browser
test_page = PageObjectWrapper.open_page(:some_test_page)
it's possible to use any Watir::Browser with any profile
it's possible to use any Webdriver, which behaves like Watir::Browser (meaning that Webdriver uses similar methods for locating elements and working with them)
.load method validates all pages, defined in specified directory inside any *_page.rb file
it's possible to define several page objects in one file
.open_page method takes page label, directs browser to that page and returns corresponding page_object
PageObjectWrapper.current_page points to the opened page_object
it's possible to set page_object locator in 2 different ways: specifying full url (like in example) or specifying PageObjectWrapper.domain and page_object local path (like in specs)
it's possible to set dynamic urls for pages, e.g.
PageObjectWrapper.define_page(:google){ locator 'www.google.com/:some_param' } PageObjectWrapper.open_page(:google, :some_param => 'advanced_search') # => 'http://google.com/advanced_search'
Watir::XXX element
Defined elements can be accessed with their labels.
- element from an element_set is corresponds to real Watir::Element
- elemets_set corresponds to an Array of Watir::Element
tp is a :some_test_page object opened in the browser
tp.tf # => Watir::TextField
tp.rb # => Watir::Radio
tp.test_elements # => Array of Watir elements
tp.table_with_header # => Watir::Table
menu type, specified inside page_object (optional)
tp is a :some_test_page object opened in the browser
context "menu not specified":
it "does nothing":
browser.text_field(:id => 'f1').value.should eq 'Default text.'
describe "basic usage":
it "FEEDS elements which have provided menu inside defimition":
browser.text_field(:id => 'f1').value.should eq 'tf food'
it "feeds ONLY elements which has provided menu":
browser.text_field(:id => 'f1').value.should eq 'Default text.'
it "overrides defined menu when passing arguments":
tp.feed_test_elements(:loud, :tf => 'cheef menu', :rb1 => false, :rb2 => true, :cb2 => true, :s2 => 'three')
browser.text_field(:id => 'f1').value.should eq 'cheef menu'
it "can be used without providing a menu":
tp.feed_test_elements(:tf => 'cheef menu', :rb2 => true, :cb2 => true, :s2 => 'three')
browser.text_field(:id => 'f1').value.should eq 'cheef menu'
food value for this type which is defined in page_object
tp is a :some_test_page object opened in the browser
tp.tf_menu(:loud) # => 'tf food'
tp.rb1_menu(:loud) # => 'true' # pay attention that String is being returned (not true, TrueClass)
optional arguments defined inside action
next_page from xxx action
tp is a :some_test_page object opened in the browser
it "can be invoked with parameters":
tp = PageObjectWrapper.current_page
tp.fire_fill_textarea('User defined data')
context "next_page == nil":
it "returns action returned value":
tp = PageObjectWrapper.current_page
data = tp.fire_fill_textarea_with_returned_value('data to fill with')
tp.validate_textarea_value(data).should be(true)
context "xxx is alias":
it "executes corresponding action":
tp = PageObjectWrapper.open_page(:some_test_page)
pressed watir element
tp is a :some_test_page object opened in the browser
it "returns pressed watir element"
tp.press_cool_button.should be_a Watir::Button
it "really presses the element"
PageObjectWrapper.current_page?(:test_page_with_table).should be_true
optional arguments defined inside action
anything block inside xxx validator returns
tp is a :some_test_page object opened in the browser
tp = PageObjectWrapper.open_page(:some_test_page)
tp.fire_fill_textarea data
tp.validate_textarea_value.should eq data
:column_1, :column_2 => search_value, :optional_next_page
Watir::TableCell if next_page not specified
next_page if it is specified
tp is a :some_test_page object opened in the browser (url = https://raw.github.com/evgeniy-khatko/page_object_wrapper/master/img/scheme.png)
Method's syntax is close to SQL:
page_object.select_from_xxx( :column1, :column2 => 'string_or_regexp' )
correct arguments are:
:column1 *is a column value from which you want to receive
:column2 *is a column which is used to get specific row
context "where == nil":
it "returns last row value from provided column":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0).text.should eq 'Sweden'
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_1).text.should eq '449,964'
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_2).text.should eq '410,928'
context "where not nil":
context "found by String":
it "returns found cells":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0, :column_1 => '103,000').text.should eq 'Iceland'
tp.select_from_table_with_header(:country, :total_area => '337,030').text.should eq 'Finland'
it "returns nil":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0, :column_1 => '123').should eq nil
tp.select_from_table_with_header(:country, :total_area => '123').should eq nil
context "found by Regexp":
it "returns found cells":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0, :column_1 => /103/).text.should eq 'Iceland'
tp.select_from_table_with_header(:country, :total_area => /337/).text.should eq 'Finland'
it "returns nil":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0, :column_1 => /123/).should eq nil
tp.select_from_table_with_header(:country, :total_area => /123/).should eq nil
context "found by row number":
it "returns found cells":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0, :row => 2).text.should eq 'Iceland'
tp.select_from_table_with_header(:country, :row => 3).text.should eq 'Norway'
it "returns nil":
tp.select_from_table_with_header(:country, :row => 123).should eq nil
context "next_page specified":
context "found by String":
it "returns found cells":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0, {:column_1 => '103,000'}, :some_test_page).should eq PageObjectWrapper.receive_page(:some_test_page)
context "not found by String":
it "returns nil":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0, {:column_1 => '123'}, :some_test_page).should eq nil
context "found by row number":
it "returns found cells":
tp.select_from_table_without_header(:column_0, {:row => 2}, :some_test_page).should eq PageObjectWrapper.receive_page(:some_test_page)
tp.select_from_table_with_header(:country, {:row => 3}, :some_test_page).should eq PageObjectWrapper.receive_page(:some_test_page)
it "returns nil":
tp.select_from_table_with_header(:country, {:row => 123}, :some_test_page).should eq nil
context "correct parameters ( limit = 3 )":
it "opens browser on subeach page and yields corresponding page_object":
gp = PageObjectWrapper.open_page(:google_pagination)
counter = 0
gp.pagination_each( :limit => 3 ){ |subpage|
counter += 1
subpage.should be_a PageObject
subpage.validate_current_number?(counter).should be_true
context "correct parameters":
it "opens browser on provided subpage returns corresponding page_object":
n = 10
yp = PageObjectWrapper.open_page(:yandex_pagination)
yp.pagination_open(n).should be_a PageObject
yp.validate_current_number?(n).should be_true
gp = PageObjectWrapper.open_page(:google_pagination)
gp.pagination_open(n).should be_a PageObject
gp.validate_current_number?(n).should be_true
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##page_object_wrapper Wraps watir-webdriver with convenient testing interface, based on PageObjects automation testing pattern. Simplifies resulting automated test understanding.