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Learn: Sequential Execution

Julia Ogris edited this page May 13, 2023 · 4 revisions

Doing things step-by-step.

A computer program executes commands sequentially, that is to say it follows instructions one at a time. It can't skip steps or go back and forth. If it does, it'll get confused and won't work.

This is like following a recipe. You can't just start cooking at the end. You have to start at the beginning and follow the steps in order. If you skip steps or go back and forth, you might not end up with what you wanted.

Here is an evy program that prints two lines of text to the screen:

print "Hello world!"
print "How are you today?"

First, the program prints Hello world!, after that it prints How are you today?. The order always stays the same:

Hello world!
How are you today?