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A simple Expander control for .NET MAUI


This is a simple Expander control for .NET MAUI which can be used standalone as well as like accordion. The header and body are fully customizable and the expanding and collapsing of the body can be animated.

Note: Animations are experimental at the moment and require an explicit opt-in.


Platform Supported
Android Yes
iOS Yes
Windows Yes
MacCatalyst Untested


Registration (not required at this moment)

Registration of the control strictly isn't required, because it only uses standard controls natively supported by .NET MAUI at the moment. However, a registration method is provided in case that some future version requires to do so:

public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
    var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
        .UseExpander() // optional: add this
        .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
            fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
            fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");

    return builder.Build();


  Command="{Binding Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type expanderSample:MainViewModel}}, Path=PrintCommand}"
  CommandParameter="{Binding Name}"

  <!-- add header content -->
        Text="{Binding Name}"
        HorizontalOptions="Center" />

  <!-- add body content -->
      Text="{Binding Name}"
      HorizontalOptions="Center" />


Most of these properties are bindable for MVVM goodness. Please let me know if something is missing or not working as expected.

Type Property Description Default Value
View HeaderContent Use to set the header content, can be any type of View or Layout null
View BodyContent Use to set the body content, can be any type of View or Layout null
ICommand Command The command to be invoked when the header is tapped null
object CommandParameter The optional command parameter null
bool IsExpanded Use to get or set whether the Expander is expanded. false
bool Animated Use to enable animations - requires opt-in, see below under Animation false
Easing ExpandEasing Use to set the type of Easing for the expand animation CubicIn
Easing CollapseEasing Use to set the type of Easing for the collapse animation CubicOut
uint ExpandDuration Use to set the duration of the expand animation in milliseconds 250
uint CollapseDuration Use to set the duration of the collapse animation in milliseconds 250


The control exposes two events:

  • HeaderTapped: Fires when the header is tapped by the user
  • IsExpandedChanged: Fires whenever the IsExpanded property has changed


Animations are currently experimental, the implementation is not well tested and may be subject to change in the future. Generally, animations come with a performance penalty and when used extensively, they may slow down the application.

Therefore, animations at this time require an explicit opt-in. Anywhere in your code, but ideally in MauiProgram.cs, add the following line of code:


After that, setting the Animate property to True will take effect:

  CollapseEasing="{x:Static Easing.SpringOut}"
  ExpandEasing="{x:Static Easing.SpringIn}">
    <!-- header -->
  <!-- body -->


If you are looking for a more extensive example for the potential usage of the control, e.g. if you are looking for a demo of the accordion-style functionality, have a look at the code in this repository. The sample app provides some examples and starting points.


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