contains a simple multiprocessing server for Gearman workers,
designed for ease of configuration and maximum availability. It includes a
task wrapper class that traps any interrupts or exceptions that might be thrown
by your task methods, and attempts to make sure that the affected job is
re-inserted into the queue (which is not the default behavior if the worker
script exits abnormally)
Please see the full documentation for more detailed information.
from multiprocessing import freeze_support from gmtasks.jsonclass import GearmanWorker from gmtasks import GearmanTaskServer, Task # Jobs def job1(worker, job): return['string1'] def job2(worker, job): return['string2'] def job3(worker, job): return['string3'] # Main loop if __name__ == '__main__': # Need this to run in Windows freeze_support() # Import all of the jobs we handle tasks = [ Task('job1', job1), {'task': 'job2', 'callback': job2}, ['job3', job3], ] # Initialize the server server = GearmanTaskServer( host_list = ['localhost:4730'], tasks = tasks, max_workers = None, # Defaults to multiprocessing.cpu_count() id_prefix = 'myworker.', worker_class = GearmanWorker, use_sighandler = True, # SIGINT and SIGTERM send KeyboardInterrupt verbose = True, # and log.error() messages ) # Run the loop server.serve_forever()